
Saturday, January 25, 2020

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 106

Hello everybody. James finished another book during this week of light posting!

This list puts James right at the edge between Boomer and Gen X.

Even the fiercest lion ages, and he goes down fighting.

The sheep, the wolves, the dogs, the shepherd.  I feel more like a sea creature.

How to secure that government pension in Baltimore and other post-apocalyptic cities.

If your Halloween isn't already like this, it soon will be.

There is nothing worse than pacifists.

Building real-life connections and support the right way.

Very interesting words from a LaFondian cop.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Hiking in the Cascades: A Twitter Archive

I hate twitter and will be frequently deleting my tweets so I will create an archive of any noteworthy ones here on the blog.  The inaugural volume will be the hiking tweets that I have posted for James, who texts them to me from the icy defiles of the wet and wooded mountains of the Colonel's domain.

[Edited lightly for ease of reading, newest first]

January 16: Ice in beard. Four to 16 inches of snow in the forest. Clouds lift revealing Seattle.

January 14: Above cedars and watershed in a snowy gale.  Can see west to the Olympias.

January 11: Roasting oysters on Tahuya Creek on the Hood Canal.
Drunk with the Colonel.

January 10:  In a snowy willow thicket at 1,600 feet.  Sleet pouring down.
1,900 feet, cedar and ferns in a slow rain.
In four inches of snow among adult alder in slush and rain.
Six inches of snow, looking down on the watershed from 2,000 feet.

January 8: Standing at 1,640 feet in the Cascades next to a 9x9x9 foot cedar stump, looking at Seattle on the misted horizon.

Photo by Thallasocrat:

Sunday, January 19, 2020

‘No Where On the Waking Earth’

The Rending of the Veil: Chapter 7 of Robert E. Howard’s The Hour of the Dragon
Reading from pages 131-140 of the DelRey edition

The illustration of the scowling Conan sweating on a bench, holding a bucket-sized drinking mug and giving a surly ear to the wiry and tall wise woman hunched on her stool with her great wolf yawning behind at her side, forms a stark picture of many an Aryan hero depicted throughout epic poetry, from Enkidu to Odysseus. 

The Rending of the Veil reveals Howard’s conception of folk magic as very similar to that of J. R. R. Tolkien, with a practitioner of dark sorcery using ravens to track the fugitive Conan and a homegrown, rustic witch employing a great wolf and a mighty eagle to foil the dark occult powers of civilization as Conan seeks the succor of the wild lands.

Keeping in mind that this tale predates The Lord of the Rings and that it was published in England, one wonders if Tolkien was inspired by it. However, the connection seems to have been deeper, that Howard utilized some of the same root folk sources as understood in more ancient form [possibly from primary sources] by Tolkien.
This scene also seems to have been the inspiration of the witch scene in the movie Conan the Barbarian, in which the powerful female reads Conan’s fate cryptically. The battle scene in which Conan takes on four witch burners is very well done, with the witch’s rescue preceded by a note on the barbarian’s resolve in the face of steep odds and couched in terms of Conan’s Western agency, that: “…he was no son of the Orient to yield passively to what seemed inevitable.”

When Conan realizes that he is in his own kingdom and that one of his subjects is being set upon, his lion-like belligerence returns, with him truculently accepting the witch as a soothsayer. Zeleta, like many of Howard’s female characters, expresses a keen understanding of human nature, which includes her positive measure of the masculine:

“…the people of your capital have forfeited the freedom you won for them by sweat and blood; they have sold themselves to the salvers and the butchers. They have shown that they do not trust their destiny.”

She compliments him on his stubbornness, usually the point at which a male protagonist is invalidated in most western forms of literature. Howard works his understanding of the European mass’s slavish and self-negating social gravity through the wise woman, hinting to the reader that Western Civilization is nothing without the individual hero and that the true Western king is a father to his people, more than a brother to the nobility.

Howard’s depiction of malevolent forces separated from the waking world by a veil conforms to much of modern paranormal theory as does Gianni’s thematic closing illustration, in which Conan fences in his mind against a skeletal sword lich holding a shield with a dragon emblazoned upon it.

Diction of Note
Swale: a low lying, marshy area

(c) 2020 James LaFond

Saturday, January 18, 2020

73 Adam Smith, Neanderthal, WQ - Crackpot Podcast

Our guest for this very special episode of the Crackpot Podcast needs no introduction!  He is the godfather of dissident podcasting, he works super hard to bring you weekly in-depth discussions and he's never put his work behind a paywall.  All those discussions, guests, books read led him to write Exit Strategy, a comprehensive written and visual guide to discovering the truth about American history and empire, and clues as to what lies ahead.  Ladies and gentlemen, Adam Smith, creator of the Myth of the Twentieth Century Podcast.

The Crackpot Podcast features James LaFond, a touring writer and mountain hermit, and Lynn Lockhart, a tired mom.




0:02:20  Exit Strategy, question from John Paul Barber
0:15:50  Growing weed in the era of decriminalization & Plantation America
0:35:40  Why are people unhappy?  The evolution of empire
1:02:10  Anonymity
1:29:30  The Woman Question red scare girls pic
1:50:00  (Approx) Yuri Besmenov video

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume105

LaFond was on The Third Rail today!

Samson and Delilah has long been on my list of things to discuss with the Crackpot.

There is no justice in this life.

Man-animal creatures and their mythology and use in fiction are another topic I'd like to talk about.  Have you used them in your stories, James?

Give me that ghetto grocery store content!

Part two of the Blood Meridian review, with some choice quotes!

If you think you've heard all the Harm City haven't!

Everyone is religious, it's just a question of who or what they worship.

The biggest force for poz is the profit motive.  Read this to learn about girls who kick ass™!

The hipster fa99ot on twitter that prompted my text accused me of having an Africanized understanding of masculinity!  These guys don't just want police help against oppressed individuals, they want police help against women!

Hear it straight from Dr. LaFond, Harm City Negrologist.

What your history of fights and hookups means to reading the Iliad.

The truth about BJJ, boxing and street fights.  And again, this time on boxing and kickboxing.

Dum dum on twitter gives James a chance to explain stuff about suburban planning.

A beautiful tribute and legacy.

Whiteness may have run it's course but not the Sons of Aryas.

The negro density, my sides! But seriously, James, you need to listen to Joe Rogan 1408 so we can talk Mexification.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

72 The Dog Q Crackpot Podcast

Hello friends!

Today I have a very nice episode for you with just the Boss and me.  We talk about dogs, the problems they present and what King James will do about them when he takes power.  We also talk about why it's a great idea to have NEETs among you to serve as bodyguards, security guards, babysitters, housekeepers, etc.

The Crackpot Podcast features James LaFond, famed author of the banned book, The Logic of Steel, and Lynn Lockhart, homeschooling mom, editrix and podcastrix.



0:03:10  My dog story, extensive discussion on the DQ, how to kill attacking dogs, etc.
0:31:20  Feminist harassment
0:49:34  Autistic sperm donor
0:58:55  By the Wine Dark Sea

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Barking Dog

We had trudged out to the truck Sunday morning to dig it free of the snow it had foundered to a halt in during Saturday’s mini-blizzard.  Never forget how much a vehicle can side step when losing traction on snow.  The wheels were resting within inches of a drop-off.  Once again, bailing out had paid off.

I took my abuse for being a dozy old fart and shoveled, muttering venom.  We both muttered and shoveled like quarry slaves.  The upper surfaces were frozen icy, and came free in ten or fifteen pound chunks to be heaved off downhill.  Square steel shovels only.  We had shed jackets and were sweating like field hands facing a literacy test.  It was plain, old timey, hard work that I can feel now in my hands, arms, legs and back.

We did it for hours, maybe five, when, though the truck was still nailed down, we finally agreed that we were done.  We began to slog back through and over the drifts to the house.  As we shambled along a dog began barking at us off down hill, maybe a few hundred yards off.  We slogged on, but our dog was listening, looking down hill.

We got home and Wife went in the house.  I went into my shop and burned one, sipping coffee out of a Yeti cup that was still blood warm.  The dog was barking outside, so I picked up the binoculars and walked out by where she sat, ears up, facing downhill.  The dog downhill barked again, and my dog responded and ran downhill some.  I scanned with the glass but saw not much.  I tried to look where she was looking.

Finally, a black Labrador popped up in the glass, and soon she was in our midst, wagging and polite, my dog with every hackle up, looking all punk-rock.  Wife checked out her collar and got her name and a phone number.  Paonia had strayed uphill, and soon her owner was headed our way.

We met him with his dog back where the truck was nailed.  A guy in his 20s or 30s, beard and Carhartts.  He was thankful to get his dog, "I was chopping wood and she was right there. Then, she wasn’t."

Yeah, dogs.  Who knows what a dog might do?  Back and forth, small talk, didn’t know this guy.  Meet the neighbor, etc., then he suggested he might help me dig out the truck, being neighborly and all.  Fact is, Me and Him we finished it out.  We did it to where Monday, Wife and I backed it back down the drive and out.  Freed at last from the Thanksgiving Snow.

Inconvenience will come.  It is written.  When it does though, other things occur that present an option that clears the path, assuming you haven’t pissed off everyone within five miles.

Riley.......2 Dec 2019

Lockhart's Top LaFond Volume 104

Hey everybody!

I have not received this manuscript yet!  I am working on Under an Iron Crown right now.  I love LaFond's fiction.

In case you were trying to decide whether you should read Blood Meridian.

Didn't de Sade also keep women as slaves?

It's not easy being a woman in Baltimore.

Adding this Myth ep to my downloads now.

I love this very succinct quiz to check which sources are more trustworthy.

The doe-eyed brunette or the ice queen?  Both need love, I gave birth to one of each, warriors only!

We will get a more in-depth treatment of the 2019 Murderbowl soon.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 103

Hello everybody!

Those who believe in some kind of pan-European solidarity (I am one who wishes for it despite not believing) need to understand history, specific stories such as these.  Likewise, if you have some unified vision of Native Americans, you should know that some were Europeans from the start.

I hope you like the interpretations of the ancients, as I just finished sending LaFond a major stash of them.

This is how Baltimore maintains top numbers, they don't tolerate sissies who read books.

I don't think the attack on the Iranian official changes anything here, and I'll defend Orange Man by pointing out that the guy was in Iraq when he was killed.

Baltimore is letting their population really express itself in their natural way.

Coaching:  Santa was really nice to Mars Ultor!  Here are a few interesting videos and James' comments.

I believe that most people in the "center" who believe they are on the "right" want to be left alone, and would be ineffective rulers if they ever gained power, unlike the left who have always and will always kill and enslave massive numbers.  The center/right lacks will to power by its nature.

I love it when my kids are really hungry because they eat with so much more satisfaction.  Hunger is a hugely underrated state in our world of tremendous caloric surplus.

Another LaFondian has found BAP.  Wat means?

I believe this is the poster in question:

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

71 Barber Beer Boxing - Crackpot Podcast

Hello Friends!

Welcome to the first Crackpot Podcast of the New Year!  Our old friend John Paul Barber joined us.  Mister Barber is responsible for some of our most popular episodes, including one inspired by a question of his, and his first guest appearance with us.  Mister Barber has garnered more fame from the Crackpot Podcast than I have, as he was recognized on the street after his guest episode.

In this episode, Mister Barber talks about his work as a barber, his experiences in prison, and of course, boxing!

The Crackpot Podcast features James LaFond, an expert on boxing from ancient times to the present, and Lynn Lockhart, still almost entirely clueless on boxing, but hanging in there.

Before you get to the podcast, you will be required to look at these book covers and consider purchasing a fine LaFond volume on boxing and other forms of violence.  This podcast is free so show your gratitude by buying a book or two.




0:03:45  The last bastions of manliness
0:16:00  Parents on site
0:23:43  Fight video
0:27:45  Trans boxer
0:42:50  Trannies in prison
0:49:15  Other prison memories
0:54:10  Conan quote, alcohol
1:18:35  Significant events in boxing
1:39:30  Body types in fighting
1:44:40  Boxing quotes