
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

‘The Glad Hand’

Waterfront Law by Robert E. Howard

In this Steve Costigan adventure, set in Cape Town South Africa, the Irish-American hero is scammed numerous times by various grifters and doesn’t really give a damn as he had a good time doing it, which brings to mind two of my favorite real life characters, Big Ron from Baltimore and Tony Cox from Seattle, big men, slick as goons go, and alright with the outcome of their misadventures as long as it was a good ride—as long as it’s not a man lying to their face, gas-lighting them or questioning their manhood—then it’s go-time.  I have rarely smiled so often reading a story, knowing men as I do who have embraced such shit situations with “fuck it” grin. Both of these real-life men, by the way, have Tarzan and Cheetah relationships with their side-kick dog, exemplified by the opening paragraph of Waterfront Law:

“The first thing that happened in Cape Town, my white bulldog Mike bit a policeman and I had to come across with a fine of ten dollars, to pay for the cop’s britches That left me busted, not an hour after The Sea Girl docked.”

At this point in the review the reader is struck with two notions:

-1. If there is ever a chance to have a Robert E. Howard character authentically represented in film or on TV, it would be Sailor Steve Costigan and his dog, one reason being that every ethnic slur is used except for “cracker, white trash and the N-word” and the dog, Mike, would bring children and women to view the story in droves. Furthermore every woman, every “frail” in the Costigan saga is far smarter than the hero!

-2. There is a lot of Steve Costigan in Conan and Black Vulmea, always starting without money or a girl and having a natural affinity for working men. In every Conan story in which Conan makes himself useful to a chief of men, the men all end up developing lateral bond with Conan, making the barbarian pretty much Steve Costigan—if he had a brain and a criminal mindset.

The crux of this story was a criminal playing to Steve’s sense of patriotism, “here’s the Kid, a American like yourself…”

Mike’ heroism is further increased in this story when the reader discovers that he not only goes to the bar, but drinks beer.

Diction of Note

bucko [a ship’s mate who beats his men, a bully]
socking [punching, went out of general use in the early 1970s]
jassack [apparently a way of writing “jackass” in print]
tin-canned [folded with body punch, tomato can being a period metaphor for an easily dented opponent]
Jerusha [Jesus]
gyp [to rip-off by the use of wits, went out of general use in the late 1970s]
(c) 2020 James LaFond

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 120

The most beautiful section of the Aenid yet, or maybe it's this one.

As a resigned rightist, I do find the hallucinations of leftists occasionally interesting.

My fear is that mass-remote education will be an entry point for a more organized and effective intrusion of Leviathan tentacles into homeschoolers' lives and activities.  The primary reason the left wants the schools closed is that teachers' unions recognize this golden opportunity for the mother of all strikes.

There is no doubt in my mind we are witnessing the birth of a new religion.

WASPs established capitalist materialism as the world religion.

The secret to writing about weapons and armor is to have used them yourself.

It's amazing how pirates have been romanticized in media with never a whiff of slavery.

Eye wear considerations for entering war zones, and for practice.

Absolutely true and correct that TV shows are intended to and do project the future. "24" depicted a black president just before Obama was elected, for one example.

I highly recommend that you subscribe to Oliver's new channel.

The New World was newer when we got here, and older when it was found.

Police have depreciated their goodwill so fast it made my head spin.

Our ancient connection to animals.

This is what a real plague is like.

Burn a book, any book, that's Baltimore!

I did not see this angle on the wolf thing coming.  Another awful prophecy from the unfortunately accurate Seer.

Grocery shopping is getting worse and worse.

Young women need an older woman to advise them on making the best arrangement their beauty and circumstances allow.

You can count on LaFond to keep up with changing conditions.

These weapons descriptions are really making Beowulf for me.  

Many new laws and regulations are being implemented right now. Some can be circumvented, but we are in anarchotyranny mode.

A peek into privileged-on-privileged violence.

I have collected some Durant works but I will be skipping Mr. Dick.

Calling police on fireworks, and they laugh, yes.

What does this say about cat people?  Traitors?  But then again, dogs are not created equal.

Pirate stories from the eye-patched writer.

It's interesting to read the delusions of others.  I think it's correct that huwhyteness is over and Latin American-style colorism will now take hold, where mixed race fathers of even mixeder raced children are going to face new challenges.  Everyone on earth is an American, so a much more granular identity is surely called for.

For the record: paleface men miscegenate more than paleface women.

2020 is bringing a Murderbowl shakeup!

I am really skeptical about a lot of these claims of life in the Middle Ages, or that certain occurrences are broadly representative, or that anybody understands life expectancy calculations.  It's retconning by the Enlightenment Gang.

I completely forgot about the cops in Atlanta charged with murder!  Wonder if the Chicago cops will face the same.

I would dearly love to take a crack at the original Spanish for these.

The WQ has been answered but many men on the right simply can't understand.

You are a leader of men, just on a smaller scale than "alpha."

Secrecy is incredibly important, I can't emphasize this enough.

Hotels are getting bailed out in housing C-19 isolation, refugees, homeless, etc.  Everything James has predicted about police and melanated individuals has come true, so pay attention.

I don't think being associated with James is particularly dangerous, especially if you are just another guy on the internet he linked to.  Get a grip.

Check out King of Dogs, written by a friend.  Part I of James' review.

Sam Finlay, our dear friend, is writing fiction for Crackpot Books.

You need to set the highest standards for people you are willing to take risks with.

"So that no one could buy or sell," it has been foretold.  I told my mom years ago that the smartphone is better than a chip.  Good comments on this one, too.

I think the only thing of lasting value that Moldbug introduced was formalism -- loosely paraphrased: if aliens came to earth and described the government of the US, the Constitution would be nothing more than a footnote on page one.

The man is cursed to write, to all of our benefit, here is some White Indians content.

The female rappers are even more disgusting that the male ones.  This is an excellent exchange, everyone should read it.  In the words of BAP, "Socrates was a n****r."

No sympathy for incels from LaFond.

Monday, August 17, 2020

084 Lost Episode Crackpot Podcast

Guess what, my podcast friends?!  This is my last backlog episode!  I also have some new taped eps and gonna get those to you as quick as I can.  We actually talked plague in this episode and some seriously uncurrent events.  Enjoy!

The Crackpod Podcast features displaced persons from the War on Reality, James LaFond and Lynn Lockhart.




0:03:00 Grocery 
0:08:15 Wuhanic Plague, wet market 
0:10:00 Beef, pathogens 
0:24:15 Night Song of the Nords 
0:26:45 Baltimore update, Nabisco Bill 
0:45:00 TV and sports 
0:54:00 Pete Buttchug's campaign photo 
0:59:10 Filthy Few with Sam Finlay, Breakfast with the Dirt Cult, Ed Calderon 
+ Bonus material 

 (c) 2020 Lynn Lockhart

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Book Store Tours

Hello Everyone,

This is a BIG post of major content.  The recordings below are bookstore tours.  Like most people, you are probably confused and overwhelmed by the sheer volume and variety of books that Mr. LaFond has written.  I addressed this in part by making the Bookstore Page as a portal to additional bookstore pages.  We are working on creating a video tour for each bookstore and today I am adding three new ones, Uncommon Men, Poets, Seers & Heroes, and Masculinity.  In addition, James and I had an editorial meeting back in January, setting out our plan for a year's work of Crackpot work, but little did we know 2020 would go so far sideways.

In conducting these bookstore tours, we got a bit carried away, so I am also including some of this content in the next regular episode of the Crackpot Podcast, named the Lost Episode, because I had forgotten all about it.

In talking about Mr. LaFond's writing career, we must always mention The Logic of Steel.  Some time ago I made a tweet thread about it but since I delete all my tweets every few months, I am including it here as well:

Begin tweet thread:

James LaFond's books are highly collectible. The Logic of Steel is a cult classic. Let me tell you the story about it.

Back in 2001, Paladin Press published the first edition.  It sold modestly but found a loyal following

Readers wrote letters to LaFond in care of Paladin and traveled to Baltimore to meet him. People in urban hellscapes and in law enforcement immediately saw the value in it

A smart guy in Japan bought ten copies and socked them away. When Logic of Steel went out of print, he sold them for hundreds of dollars each. Today, the cheapest listing for a used copy is $100

I don't know the exact figure but LaFond made something like a buck per copy sold, a modest four figure amount over the life of the book. Even after self-publishing became widespread, James was powerless to make any money off this book that Paladin owned

Then, in 2017, Paladin Press closed its operation for good, and the rights reverted to James LaFond, along with the other two books of his they owned, The Fighting Edge and The Logic of Force. Both very interesting books in their own right.

Used copies of Logic of Steel had at times sold for $1000 - surely James could now count on some income by reissuing it as a self published title!

He listed the books right away and announced on his website. Very soon, the hammer came down...

Amazon censored the book without warning or notification, simply ghosting it from LaFond's CreateSpace account, as I found when I looked for the listing, trying to shill for my friend.

Why did they do this? Can't say for sure, but this was LaFond's main source of income. Some nameless commissar made his life very much harder.

But I have good news for you. You can own a different book, that somehow has a very, VERY similar feel to Logic of Steel. I took the text and photos, and those of The Fighting Edge, and made The Violence Project, just for you.

This book is unlike anything else you've read. It's a detailed survey of real knife violence - the kind that is making a comeback as our rulers crack down on gun owners while importing machete warriors.

James has conducted hundreds of interviews with criminals, crime victims and witnesses. He recounts the stories with precision, humor, and pathos. This book is a literary and scholarly work, as well as being a practical source for understanding violence.

You can buy The Violence Project, which is two books in one volume, lovingly published by your humble editrix and podcastrix, yours truly. It's a good investment. If you ever have the privilege to meet James LaFond, this is one of the books you'll want him to sign for you

End tweet thread

Alright, here are the videos.  You can find all the mp3 files here, if you prefer that, and I have also uploaded all the videos to BitChute, but I will stick with YouTube here so we don't get too unwieldy.

Bookstore Tour - Uncommon Men

Bookstore Tour - Poets, Seers & Heroes

Bookstore Tour - Harm City

Bookstore Tour - Masculinity