
Sunday, November 22, 2020

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 125

 Hey everyone!  I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving, if you celebrate, and good health this season.

This is marked fiction but it's entirely believable.  That's the trouble when a prophet writes fiction.

Wignats should take note, we are the Indians now.  If you aren't a Patron, you are missing out on very timely historical analysis.

Suicides are supposed to be reviled, but I read Howard's quiet notes with only love.

Note well that these exchanges took place before this ham-handedly stolen election.

Turn yourself into the worst caricature of a redneck, that's what they think of you anyway.

Another historical lens to consider at this moment.

The Chicago train station during a looting flare.

In case you think Tony doesn't provide enough of a caveman upbringing for these boys, he brings in the Elder Caveman for special intensive caveman tutoring.

I like to be the last one to mention the temperature.

Are the Irish really n...?  The Irish accomplishments you've never heard of.

King of Picts cooks for King of Hobos.  The world's most in-demand hobo.  The world's most serenely prolific and fit hobo.

History provides a glimpse of horrors to come. 

This advice really makes you think about adding a definition to the word shield.  Don't miss the bit about fouls.

My grandmother had ancestral memories of these slave raids.

Many cancer patients are also being withheld treatment to reserve beds for c*****.  Not a good time for really anything to go wrong, though I suppose it never is.

We are achieving materialist hell on earth.

Catfishing and marketing combined in our innovative 21st century knowledge economy.

Better luck next time, Carissa.

A friend anyone would be lucky to have, and would certainly be lost without.

This book is a gem.

Nuke all metros.

The Latin Mass is soothing, while modern media is agitating.  The new religion is not an improvement by any means.

There were several "squaw sachems" mentioned in Mather's account of King Phillip's War.

Readers are few but devoted and the quality of dissident literature is outstanding.

A gently written biography begins.

Look to the heavens, not to the Capital.  Former President Frothy Latte recently said that the internet is the greatest threat to ARE DEMOCRACY.

LaFond bootlegs are now available as the Crackpot found the password to his Amazon account, despite his editrix's best efforts.

Most people will continue not to believe their own eyes.  Glad Mister Hoyt knows better.

A look at one of the failed founding documents of this nation, or part of it.

Very interesting information on the rowan tree.  I think I have one in my neighborhood but it's too tall to get berries.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

If I cannot rationalize it, it cannot exist 085 Crackpot Podcast

Hello friends, I've been holding out on you since August, when we last taped.  I don't know if we will ever get back to regular podcasting.  It is a lot of work for me and due to corona and growing children, believe it or not, but I have less free time than ever.  The Crackpot also has lost the zest for podcasting.  So here you go.  We are not closing the door forever, but it's going to be rare indeed from here on out.

This is a double episode, with a wide range of topics, hopefully you will enjoy it.  The Crackpot Podcast features James LaFond, a prophet, writer, fighter and man of many interests and skills, and Lynn Lockhart, a mom trying to improve the mating stock available to her two daughters by promoting LaFond's work.




0:05:24  Training trip to Virginia
0:15:00  Pandemic update
0:21:15  Apocalisp, Waking Up in Indian Country, Thriving in Bad Places
0:29:00  Floyd, Detroit couple, St. Louis couple
0:31:45  Detroit video
0:38:55  The story of RJ
0:49:00  St. Louis McCloskeys, weapons strategies
0:58:20  The truth about cops
1:12:46  Wignats vs wigBLMers
1:25:00  We have failed a test of faith, new faith being installed
1:41:40  Part II begins, policing in a small community
1:48:40  "Usher" start video at 1:50:00
2:01:10  Schools, moms
2:20:00  Media consumption
2:35:45  Establishment of a new religion
2:55:50  The hero, truth and lies

(c) 2020 Lynn Lockhart

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 124

Hello friends!

My twatter account is frozen because I followed too many people, in case anyone is wondering.

Robert E. Howard's poetry is severely underrated.

You are not immune to propaganda.  Don't miss the comments for part of the reason I don't buy bananas.

Birds are endlessly beautiful and engrossing, maybe they were made that way just for us?

Look into Rhode Island as well, for oldest houses of worship and burial grounds.

This fellow has spent years seeking to have every trace of his name removed from these websites.  I believe he should finally be happy!

A fine bowie or a cheap cleaver, either will work.

How to boost your social credit.  What it looks like from the flip side.

Watch the hips to anticipate kicks.

Running the numbers for an anarchic scenario.

Low IQ and low morality!  This reminds me of something John Taylor Gatto wrote, along the lines that a good education can develop any child into a fine person.  Many interpret this as a belief in blank slate intelligence, but I see it as "education" in the sense Spanish speakers use it, good manners and morals.

Gruesome, instructive, and just coinciding with the criminalization of homeschooling in that country.

The war grinds on, surprising its factions.

This section begs to be read aloud.

The big brains are going at it, here, on mythology.

There is no such thing as fiction on television.  It is all absorbed as fact.

Introducing the hero we desperately need!  Seems like that mayhem charge was honestly earned.  

I guess I need to repeat this frequently:  LaFond is THE primary source on the Baltimore riots.  No newspaper or TV coverage can touch it.

Boxing commentary.

Ooh I didn't know about the latest round of pot brownies!

Truly a moderate platform, and an outstanding economic policy.

Valuable prep notes on food preservation.

I have about half of this book typed/OCRed for some-day publication.  Now, in a time of plenty, the media constantly remind us how much children cost in a woman's lost wages, to engender and maintain that bitterness.

The military has always been globohomo!

Exchange without morality.  

A very kind write up from a friend brings some additional detail to Plantation America demographic changes.  The timeline and geographical involvement is complex, that's one way you can tell that the generally accepted narrative is false.

How do you grow up to be this WEAK without a disability?

In the far north's winter, I imagine it appears that the sun both rises and sets in the south.

Barret is such a sweetheart.

Are you looking for love?  Don't lose hope.