
Monday, May 29, 2017

The Guerilla Patriarchy

Matriarchy in Harm City?


Recently, the zman, a fellow Baltimore denizen of yours, gave an interview with Kevin Michael Grace which you shared on your site and can be found here.

The following exchange takes place beginning 17:50 (I transcribed this myself, please excuse any errors):

KMG: What do you hear about the matriarchy?

zman: There’s no question, and I think that would never change. I think there is something there that goes back a lot farther than modern history, you talk to people who grew up in Africa, there is a guy on my blog who is originally from Rhodesia, and he will tell you that in SubSaharan Africa, it’s a female dominated society. There is a narrow role for males, but the domestic life, community life is largely dominated by females and I think there is a biological component there, that transcends anything that we are going to do as a society.

Steve Sailer gives an amusing excerpt on behalf of the African matriarchy theory, from the book The Marriage Problem, by James Q Wilson.

Vox Day has expressed similar thoughts, and even your unpaid intern seems to think so.

James, what can you tell us about the life-ways and habits of Baltimore's African diaspora with regard to matriarchy, patriarchy, or some unholy sociological innovation?


White Daddy and His Bitch

Lynn, in Baltimore what you have is not a matriarchy, but a decapitated patriarchy cast aside to permit the mutated matriarchy to interface with the meta-patriarchy: The State, known by blacks as The Man and White Daddy.

Hoodrat mothers cast aside would-be men in order to marry the State and then behave as experimental female-beastmen, brutalizing their boys from the cradle to the jailhouse and allowing both boys and girls under their roof to be raped by male relatives and the sex drones that serve her. It is a nightmare, with neither a functional patriarchy or matriarchy, a broken society. An anthropologist has called this bureaugamy, husbandless women married to the bureaucracy.

But what about the female dominated political machine in black urban centers?

This is simple, black man may not vote, because they are almost all felons, because their mothers raise them in an argumentative and brutal fashion which weirdly requires them to fight the cops as a rite of passage. Even if they were just jaywalking, fighting the cops turns it into a felony. There is hardly any black male vote.

Yesterday, I walked by a welfare queen in a nice neighborhood, standing in the doorway with her black paramour, scolding her two children by different men, one a mulatto and the other an octoroon like her. She beat this five year old boy brutally before me and the assembled neighbors, the child screeching in horror as the powerless black youth she is dating—a third her weight—cringed in the doorway as the boy of another, lighter-skinned man writhed on the porch.

Lynn, this is a mutilated matriarchy running amok as the decapitated patriarchy sits in the gutter. That black stud was cringing—I am guessing—at the memory off his own mother beating him like his giant mistress beat the spawn of a previous drone.

Before going into examples of African patriarchy, let me state why the z man and Vox Day, both brilliant men, cannot understand matriarchy or patriarchy:

They, as is our entire society, are critically emasculated.

Matriarchy and Patriarchy

They and even our anthropologists, generally look at a society as either matriarchal or patriarchal. That is a grave error that disables any understanding of human gender dynamics. This comes from the fount of Western Civilization, the pastoral takeover of agrarian civilization by conquering nomads.

Before describing that, let me back up further.

Patriarchy is a paternal hierarchy, a masculine order.

Matriarchy is a maternal hierarchy, a feminine order.

Any healthy society has within it a functional matriarchy and a functional patriarchy, two humans spheres that interact, ideally in an overlapping fashion, not a clashing fashion and not in a submerging manner.

Traditionally, for hundreds of thousands of years, the matriarchy dominated the camp, the cave, the home and the patriarchy dominated interaction with the natural world and other societies. This is exemplified in Amerindian traditions such as the Iroquois, whose men owned nothing but their weapons and whose women shared political power and owned all household goods.

Back to this later, as this is the crux of the book A Dread Grace, the thesis of which is that shared gender power is the basis for hyper-aggressive war-making men, such as the Spartans, the Zulus, the Iroquois, etc.

Matriarchal Submersion

When one gender sphere is squashed or submerged by the other we have an unhealthy society. In traditional, Middle Sea Based [Roman, Semitic, Hellenic] Societies, where nomad conquerors had completely crushed lesser tribes, the status of free manhood was denied conquered men and they were driven into the household as its close master, now squashing the matriarchy under them as they became hairy women. Upon meeting Western Settlers, Amerindians rarely identified European men as men, but as mutilated women, for they farmed and stayed housebound, not hunting and journeying and raiding, but behaving like native women. In this situation, the civilized woman becomes a slave in the same house that a barbarian woman would have ruled, forcing her man to range far and wide and deal with the world rather than huddle womanlike in his false castle.

Patriarchal Decapitation

Ron West, adopted member of the Blackfeet people, calls his people matriarchal, as that is their anthropological designation and we westerners who labeled them so see and shared power between the matriarchal and patriarchal spheres as matriarchal—or female dominated. In reality, according to Ron’s own history of the tribe, the Blackfeet men were not the slaves and servants of the women, but shared equally the powers of the tribe. Then the whites came and split the chiefs between loyalists and drunken puppets and their Jesuit priests went directly for the women and converted them to Christianity, which was how the Catholics originally converted the Germanic kings, by getting to the queen first, which was allowed, because civilized and monkish men were regarded by both red and white barbarians as “effectively female” and allowed access to the women, who, since they occupied an honored place next to the men, had equal influence, which was enhanced by the fact that the men had been split by drug addiction and venomous diplomacy. Thus the natural men find that half of their number have been seduced by the Whiteman’s drugs, that their women have been seduced by his religion and are separated from the community. This is further exacerbated by the fact that the men now face irrelevance in their manly sphere, for a handful of stone age warriors—even super warriors—cannot fight the machine arm of a million man state and no longer have game to hunt, or the freedom to range widely and are thus left with nothing.

There is essentially no difference in how the Indian or the black man have been emasculated by white civilization. Each Indian tribe had its own story and own masculine death and many have managed a revival, have managed to grab back some ground only to have feminism hit them between the eyes.

Black men were originally set aside as the white slave master bred his woman to produce half-breed slaves. After emancipation it took almost a hundred years before black families really began to form. According to Patrick Buchanan in the 1950s, black families were “more churched” than white. According to Thomas Sowell, black men had significantly closed the income gap between 1954-55.

Then, in 1964, LBJ unleashed a plan to destroy the formed-from-scratch black family by initiating State-to-Mother macro-marriage and casting the black man out of the house he had taken a hundred years to build. The process accelerated demonically due to these factors:

1. Not coming from a western, submerged matriarchy, but from Africa, where the gender spheres tend to coexist at a level of separation most reminiscent of the classical Hellenic household, in which men hardly socialized with their wives, who kept separate quarters, people of predominantly African decent are already predisposed to gender separation. The numerous African men I speak to, speak of brothers, fathers and other men of their tribe or nation, not of their mothers, wives and lovers as emasculated Americans of all colors will speak.

2. Not having fully assimilated to the greater American society, cultural disintegration was more likely under such stress.

3. The civil rights movement largely promoted feminist values in a communistic context and came to favor female leadership. One recent example is of the two black female mayors of Baltimore, who have looked to their presidents as father figures and have been petulantly overruled by their white male governor on crime matters. This fatherless-daughter-as-municipal-executive-worshipful of the federal “White Daddy” [I know black women who even called Obama “White Daddy’] was never better illustrated than when Stephanie Rawlings-Blake was told by Eric Holder of the Justice department to stand the police down and she did, as her male underlings seethed with rage. She was eventually trumped by the Whiteman governor who sent in the national guard. In the end, a female mayor is nothing but a slaughter at big daddy’s knee.

4. The low intelligence and high defiance of black criminal youth ensured that most urban black men would never become voters, causing an unbalance between the patriarchy and the matriarchy in the black population, which, to be clear, does not represent a separated community from the white population, but merely an underclass. The only sense of community in the back population is found I the Guerilla Patriarchy.

Guerilla Patriarchy

The black population has been shattered out of community and into social atomization. If one wonders why blacks, as a rule, are fawned over by globalists and the media, it is because the former black community, rendered now into the black underclass, ordered from raped toddlers and shivering addicts in cardboard boxes at the bottom to rappers and athletes and false-maternal icons like Oprah at the top, was the test project for the mono-cropping of humanity, a racially homogeneous, purely class-based mass of unaligned individuals. You whites should look at black America now for a glimpse into the future that has been planned for you. This is meant to be the fate of all peoples, all races, atomization, the division and conquest of society on a subatomic level.

Blacks in American cities call the federal government and the state and municipal tiers and armies of cops, lawyers, social workers and medical persons who are an ever-present hand of unseen but always-felt power in their daily lives, “The Man,” and “White Daddy,” expressions that hark back to the antebellum plantation and before that the English servant plantation, which was ruled by one man, as one Virginia slave master of 1711 put it, “like a biblical patriarch of old.”

This leaves a deep yearning for a flesh and blood daddy figure in the lives of lonely black women and their children. I have had numerous blacks adopt me as their White Daddy, over a hundred at last count and this is often the social role of the boxing coach in urban environments, a breathing bandage for the fatherless soul.

There is another patriarchy, one that is under our noses, bloodying it all the time but remaining unrecognized due to our abysmal, emasculated ignorance.

This is the Guerilla Patriarchy found in various forms. Always extremely, almost cartoonishly, male-dominated and oriented, the postmodern black-identity street gang is an extreme patriarchy, an ephemeral cipher of a society dedicated to the creation and financing of black men—even at the cost of dying before age 35 as most do. This gang activity, exemplified by The Black Guerilla Family (BGF), the name of the most prominent Baltimore area gang, is an extreme reactionary social symptom one may expect from the body sub-politic that remains after the patriarchal structure of a culture has been decapitated. This dynamic actually informed my writing of Reverent Chandler and Malediction Song. This dynamic, the Guerilla Patriarchy is what The Wolves of Vinland and other such neo-barbarian hyper-masculine groups are practicing, albeit in a more sophisticated if less successful way than the BGF and other black identity gangs.

Note that gangster life is distantly modeled on white, Irish criminality in similar urban centers and that, like the Irish before them, the blacks are penetrating law enforcement as well.

Hallmarks of black identity gangster life include the rejection of ‘Government names” in favor of street-names, including the mother's pathetic attempts to invent an atomized identity for her son by giving him a lisping name of pseudo-Arabic inspiration.


Yes there is a black matriarchy, a malformed social order put in place and utterly beholden to Uncle Sam himself for the purpose of extinguishing and suppressing African-American patriarchy.

As emasculated-in-the-cradle civilized Americans, the z man (who declines to express his counter cultural opinion under his real name) and Vox Day, brilliant men though they may be, look at a society such as the many in Africa, where men and women live gender-based lifeways instead of being two-gender Siamese twins like American married couples, and see in this natural, ages old, universally human separation of gender roles and function as matriarchy, largely because the mutilated remains of America Indian tribes whose patriarchal structure had been negated and superseded by the paternal federal government, labeled such societies matriarchal.

We see also, in nations like Sweden and Germany, where the State has turned to a mothering role, an upwelling of the matriarchal urge to be dominated by a very different person—with the majority of women in such places obviously preferring, based on voting outcomes and behaviors, to be gang raped by foreign men than to be served by domestic men.

Achilles and Odysseus, Gilgamesh and Enkidu, Roland and Beowulf, Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, would look today at the postmodern American man, who cares more for the company of his wife than for his fellows as some kind of freak of nature, somehow unable to understand that men and women work best together when they remain different and then come together and join as mates, achieving the overlapping of the divergent spheres of femininity and masculinity.

Both the traditional Western perversion of placing the man in the house as the slave of God [See Leviticus] and lord of the woman and the current practice of making of the man a monster and all things masculine monstrous—unless clothed in the flesh of denatured womanhood, are equally distorting and perverse of the natural order of man and woman, protector and nurturer of what is human.

The black rejection of democracy in favor of strong men in Africa and Haiti and of gang life in America, represents a visceral distrust of democratic politics, as democracy is womanish in all of its squawking aspects, encouraging men to squabble like women and amounting to a popularity contest to determine who gets to aim the Great Gun of State, rather than a trial by danger.

Notes on African Patriarchy

1. African men I speak to almost never speak of the mother or wife without apologizing for rudely inserting a woman into the discussion. Boomy, my cabbie friend, is in charge of checking homework and report cards for his daughter, the wife having no authority here. He and other Nigerian men are very patriarchal in outlook. Mobi regarded his mother and her tribe as unimportant to his formation as a man and resents her Americanized meddling with his daughter.

2. In fractured American and Americanized black populations like Baltimore and Liberia, rape by black men is experienced by over 80% of black females, representing a seething animosity toward the forced false matriarchy of the husbandless mother backed by the meta-patriarchy of the State.

3. African queens were less numerous than European queens, had fewer powers and were less warlike than kings, where European queens were more warlike than their kings. The Queen of Uganda was a gigantic fertility goddess that drank milk all day long and had to be rolled around and bathed by attendants. The explorer John Hanning Speke measured her rear end and thighs like a farm animal with no complaint made by her king or people.

4. The Masai are and were dominated by lion-hunting warriors and their women adore them like kings.

(photo credit: Old East Africa Postcards)

5. The Zulu kings forbade their young men to have intercourse with their wives-to-be until they had fought in a battle.

6. The Haitian slaves that rose up in the wake of the French revolution rejected the Rights of Man and wished to fight under a king. One, Mimeca, dictated a letter to the effect that he was a warrior and had fought under three kings, one of the Congo, one of France and one of Spain, and would not accept a collective notion of rule.

7. The famous Amazons of the West African KINGDOM of Dahomey were 5,000 wives of the king, subject to his patriarchy and bearing his children and otherwise permitted to live as men, shouldering arms in the field on his behalf and taking a wife to care for their household and child. This is, in all aspects, a patriarchal arrangement.

8. The current King of Swaziland has numerous wives at his disgusting disposal—hardly a matriarchal arrangement.

9. Hip Hop, or gangster rap, is a vicious attack on matriarchal notions, a feral, woman-hating reveling in unilateral male dominance, and is the single most influential cultural contribution to American public life made by Americans of African descent.

10. Kangs and Queens is a strong motif in Hip Hop culture. Any man who has bedded black women, as I have, knows that they are slaves to the male penis even more so than the famously slutty white women of the hipster and millennial generations. Once you dick a black woman she is your slave until you cast her off, and then she is your most murderous enemy. Most black women abandon their children for hours on end to be inseminated by random men, but preferably Gangster Kangs and White Daddies: clear patriarchal figures. Most food stamp money spent in Baltimore is dedicated to the feeding of luxury meats to the temporary king in her dubious bed, while her children eat cheap hot dogs and ramen noodles. This is not patriarchy or matriarchy, but a symptom of the grasping grossness of a psychologically mutilated people, attempting to purchase some parody of kingship and queenship—some balanced joining in the shadow of the system that has denatured them so coldly—with the bribe that bought their humanity.

Civilization is Evil.

(c) 2017 James LaFond & Lynn Lockhart

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