
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

A Temporary Family

The Negation of the Patriarch and Fragility of the Nuclear Family Unit

James, while editing Masculine Axis, I came across a comment from a reader that you might want to address: 'A Young Man Starting Out'.  Your answer connects the nuclear family to America's origin as a plantation of people.  As each member gets scattered to the distance, new temporary families spring up.

Julian writes:

Hi James-

I've been reading your articles on and off for about a year. Could you elaborate on what you meant by these lines, specifically 'temporary family':

"If you just make the money to keep a temporary family and then watch your children dispersed into the atomized world, like I have, you will find yourself standing at the edge of a yawning abyss. I surrendered my sons to the economy, the God of Things, and will likely not get them back.

I will hopefully be able to rescue my grandson."

Are you referring to making just enough vs generation wealth? Or to wealth for wealth sake versus a higher calling? Or something else?

My son is four and I have been blessed since his birth to achieve enough success through entrepreneurism/investing to have left the j.o.b. world behind (seemingly for good, unless something horrible happens). I think often on what his own path might be though, and whether it is possible to stimulate/help him into following that same path as a teenager, so that he can avoid the infinite forms of 'substitute masculinity' and 'substitute sacrality' that permeate our culture today- especially for young people (video games, porn, drugs, degeneracy, self-destruction, victimology, etc). Yet on the other hand the danger of giving too much help rears its head and ending up with him 'r-selected', to use that terminology.

Thank you for the excellent sight and sharing your wisdom.

James responds:

My thoughts on "temporary family" is that that is what a nuclear family has become under the modern system of debt slavery and real estate drift, in which neighborhoods are intentionally blighted to force suburban migration.

The nuclear family, alone, could be maintained as an extended family network under a non-predatory economic system, but tends to be scattered.

For instance my Uncle, a successful man, a millionaire, had five children. He and his wife live in Florida.

His son lives in Pittsburg with his wife and two sons.

His oldest daughter lives in Kansas with her husband, her children having scattered with the shifting career winds.

His next oldest daughter lives in Illinois, with four children, having been abandoned by her husband who moved to Boston.

His next to youngest daughter lives in Baltimore with two sons, her husband having abandoned her for drugs and alcohol.

His youngest lives in San Francisco with her husband and two sons.

How in Hell is Uncle Fred going to protect his family?

What are the chances he will be near in a crisis?

The combination of career drift and real estate blight acting on the nuclear family atomizes all but the strongest nuclear units and these are stretched tenuously.

Also, with the media machine what it is, it is highly unlikely that any given generation of a family will share the same values and outlook as their parents, which stresses individuals immeasurably.

(c) 2017 James LaFond

A Bright Shining Lie at Dusk

A Partial Exhumation of the American Dream

In A Bright Shining Lie at Dusk the author probes the evil foundation of the United States of America, which was—and according to him, will be again—white slavery, and traces the muted echoes of the slave mind down through the American consciousness to the present day. This is a reference work for the unchained mind in two parts. A Strange Seed: Plantation America as a Physical Slave Farm and Fruit of the Lie: Modern America as a Mental Slave Farm.

Available in paperback.

White in the Savage Night by James LaFond

A Politically Incorrect Life In Words: 2016

This collection of scenes, experiences and vignettes from the life of a willingly impoverished writer, numbers 83 attempts to preserve the lives of ordinary people and the varied landscapes upon which their journey plays out in words, including: 
-Before the World Sinks 
-Mud Shark and Spawn 
-The Inequity of Faeries 
-3 Minutes in a Baltimore County Liquor Store 
-White in the Savage Night 
-Monica’s Tears Dry Here

Available in paperback and Kindle edition.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

A White Christmas by James LaFond

Two Tales of Ghetto Cheer

In two weird urban tales, the author of a Hoodrat Halloween, Skulker Jones and Hurt Stoker continues as the only authentic storyteller for a masculine tradition which no literary faction wishes to know the truth about.

In Trinity, the three sons of Trinity Baxter are sent out by their mother to rob some white people in order to finance her Christmas feast, even as the supernatural specter of a gang of Caucasian rats haunts their every defiant step.

In The Song of Broke-Ass Rasheed, the wheelchair-bound elder statesman of a liquor store front mourns the death of the crew he had previously served as a mentor and at the same time is called upon to advise the young hoppers who mean to step-up and take their place as gangbangers in their own right.

These stories are also found in Ire and Ice.

Available in paperback.

Dawn in Dindustan by James LaFond

Conducting the Moral Autopsy of a Nation

James LaFond is not the author of the term Dindu.  However, Mister LaFond is:
The Discoverer of Dindustan 
The Founder of the sciences of Dinduology, Dindunomics, Dinduosophy and other cutting edge anthropological disciplines. 

Join the author on his pedestrian quest into the savage heart of Urban America, otherwise known as Dindustan.

Available in paperback

Friday, August 25, 2017

Real Vampires

Are the Ruling Elite the Subconscious Inspiration for Postmodern Vampire Mythology?

Based on a discussion with the friend whom I call Nero the Pict, in a small Pennsylvania town, on July 22, 2017.

Books, comics, movies and TV, a generation after Anne Rice’s Interview with a Vampire, remain dominated by the vampire, often the sympathetic vampire.

Why are multiple generations of Americans wedded to this antiheroic figure?

How come the vampire has become the hero?

Essentially, the vampire represents apex parasitism. He is not the sneaky mosquito or ankle biting flea that steals a drink of blood at its peril, but dominates the human herd one meal at a time while mesmerizing the vast human collective. Seen in that light, the modern real life counterpart of the vampire is the Deep State, which is to say those intelligence agencies that inform, misinform, elevate and depose our political class. Just like the vampire who lives on in undead form to afflict generations of humans, the Deep State is a permanent political organism, nigh immortal compared to the four-year president, with each of its agents serving at least five times longer than an elected official.
That is an adult’s view of the vampire. But what of the child? Does the life of a child have a unique correlation with the vampire myth?

Eaters of the Young

I wanted to cry when Trevor, my grandson said, “School is death,” at age 5. This is the view of the healthy loved child who is taken from his parents and numerous grandparents and aunts and uncles who normally take care of him and teach him when his parents are working [since he is not allowed to work and is thus severed from his father] and placed among a herd of peers under the direction of a strange adult.

I have known numerous people who were raped as children and Trevor, at age 5, had an instinctive sense that he was being taken from safety and placed into peril simply based on the mechanics of the social setting, not on any threat by the teacher, who was a doll-baby deluded liberal mothering the children that might otherwise have stretched out her boyish hips and made jogging inconvenient. Any system is susceptible to manipulation, most easily and effectively from above, a dietary pyramid for devouring human souls. Trevor had a sense for this. I discovered this on my first day of school. Any person placed in prison—the institution with more architectural and systemic commonalities to the public school than any other—soon learns this.

Due to the underlying aspect of all systems, manipulation of lesser humans by greater, will occur and rape is the most extreme aspect of these manipulations. This has been cherry-picked by the media. Let me use the Catholic Church for one example.    

The most recent sensational example of child rape is a Netflix documentary called The Keepers about a priest, who was also a psychiatrist and the principal of a girl’s school, systematically and blatantly raping girls and killing the nun who tried to stop him. He did this all with Baltimore City Police assistance. One cop interviewed was still terrified that other cops would punish him, even though this happened some 45 years ago!

Yes, the media has the knives out for the Catholic Church.  But rather than consume their takeaway let us look at it logically.

The principal was a priest and a psychiatrist. To most Christians, psychiatry is a blasphemous abomination, a twisted view of humanity. His priestly status gave him unquestionable stature. But might it have been the psychiatry in play when he attacked?

As far as Catholics abusing children in this instance there was the monster priest and the hero nun, who died protecting her girls. That is a moral wash.

The principal/priest/psychiatrist did all of his vile deeds in cooperation with numerous on duty police officers, who were allowed to rape beautiful young girls as part of their induction into his rape cult. Police departments are systems entirely built on attracting operatives with a need for power over others. Might this be viewed as a police crime?

And finally, the purest view is that all of the prey were female children, their defender was a single female adult and all of the predators were adult males.

In a practical view, the girls were doomed, because their protector was a lone female, operating out of an assumption of moral superiority, who was in a closed female herd bounded by male predators. If this nun had been a woman married to a deer hunting redneck, well then we might have had a positive resolution, with two cops and a priest having their heads blown off.

This is why all systems deny the heroic and exclude attached adult males from in-system contact with the prey that has been taken from their protection. This is also why younger brothers of the child’s parents—the creepy uncle—have been used as the mainstay child rapist by the media, for it is exactly this man who is most likely to avenge his niece or nephew. And who would punish him? The police and their robed masters, the ushers and priests of the Soul-Eating State.

Let us now look at the vampire’s prey from a dietary view:

Delectable Youth

The best peas are “young” peas, advertised as such, or as “tiny,” “petite,” or “tender,” on every package label. Such labeling targets older adult consumers. 

Likewise baby carrots, baby potatoes and pearl onions [my favorite] are all regarded as tastier than the adult versions of these foods.

As for meat, veal, a tormented and abused baby bovine is regarded as the tastiest and most valuable meat in the supermarket case, so valuable that it is cut to order only.  

Does one eat mutton or lamb?

Of course, the superior taste of baby sheep over adult sheep is so pronounced that only mythic trolls—and one supposes, British Commonwealth troops—dine on mutton.

Might it be that new life tastes better, that that soul which has been bathed less in social toxins and remains innocent is tastiest to the eater of souls?

Might it simply be that absolute power can only be had by being the puppet master and also preying on the most innocent?

At the same time that the Vampire Antihero Cult rose in the early 1980s, comic book superheroes began to enjoy increased popularity at the expense of traditional heroes.  In the 1970s book racks were packed with Tarzan, Conan, John Carter of Mars and a host of lesser heroes of fantasy.

By the mid-1980s these books were gone and the comic book superhero—who was absolutely unassailable in his apex position, unlike the human heroes of Howard and Burroughs—had graduated from wire spinner racks to the shelves and spread like iconic locusts of absolute dominance. Ironically, a superhero can only be beaten if he makes a mistake or if the villain finds a loophole in his power array, again, like the Vampire Antihero, immune to the efforts of mortals—essentially a walking god.

Vampires through a Child’s Eyes
The primary characteristics of the postmodern vampire in fiction, whether monster or hero, and now more often than not serving the writer as a hero, are:

-Great strength, the vampire possessing such physical advantage over a mortal that the mortal in his hands is as a child.

-Great age, the vampire being so much older than the mortal that it has lived for numerous human lifetimes. This compares to the typical abuser of a child being older by multiples than the point where the child loses its innocence.

-Ignorance of the world—innocence in vampire terms—a world known in detail by the vampire, is the common state of the victim upon which the vampire feeds. Just as the voter knows almost nothing about the interests the politician he elects serves, the vampire’s victim is childlike in her innocence.

-The vampire is cultic, belonging to a deeply imbedded coven of conspirators. This is unique to the postmodern vampire. Where Stoker’s Dracula was a lone manipulator with a few servants, agents and wives, the Rice vampire is but one member of an unseen hierarchy that shadows and supersedes and feasts upon the mortal order, much as the police and priest ate the souls of the innocent in the case of The Keepers discussed above. Child prisons were staff routinely rape inmates are an excellent example, as are public schools, where sex with students has become a common activity among female teachers, women seeming particularly susceptible to the temptation to use levers of systemic power to amplify their own miniscule power.

-Mortal laws of physics do not bind the vampire to the feeble lot of men, enabling him to avoid all blame for his actions by simply vanishing, just as the adult is not bound by the same rules as the child, nor the teacher subject to the strictures applied to the student, nor the cop compelled to live a law abiding life like those he polices.    

-As with the child rapist, the vampire is destroyed—and most fears—the light of revelation, which kills him, taking all of his clandestine powers away as soon as his vile identity is subject to the light of day. This last case is key in understanding the postmodern vampire as a surrogate for our masters: for the Pizzagate politicians who rape Haitian orphans are vulnerable to the popularity politics of the machine they operate should they be illuminated within it. It is no accident that the most powerful manipulators of the greater society thirst to dine upon the innocence of unsullied youth. I am certain that a look at their dinner lists will reveal an unusual level of lamb and veal consumption and that only tender, early, petite peas pass their palates.


The key to keeping such a system in place is the nuclear family, which has no heroic element, cannot, for the hero or heroine is a sacrificial actionist and if Mom or Dad kill the person who raped their child they will be imprisoned and the family will lose half of its adults and probably its home. There is a video on YouTube, shot in an airport, of a father of a raped karate student slaying the karate instructor-rapist while in custody during extradition.

What a man, vilified by our sick society.

What a hero.

(c) 2017 James LaFond

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Skulker Jones by James LaFond

A Tale of Dark Deviltry at the End of Caucasian Time

Tom Jones, born in 1972 to a woman who threw her brassiere at the British singer she would name him after—the boy that would be fathered by a roadie that intercepted her backstage during her quest to meet the celebrity she worshiped—looked in the mirror, on the evening of Thursday, September 26, 2046, as the moon rose in the sky above Harm City and came to the conclusion that he was expendable. Broke, maimed for life by a bad hip, having failed as a boxer, and having only one pro prospect in his small gym, Tom Jones decided to brave the evil pit of sin that was his hellish home town and limp out into the night to find “Slippy” Braxton. Slippy had gone missing on the eve of the fight that might keep Slippy from a return to prison and keep the doors to the Charm City Gym open for another year. Written in real time, Skulker Jones is an urban horror tale of a failed man looking for a final saving grace. Skulker Jones is the sequel to A Hoodrat Halloween.

Available in paperback.

Under the God of Things by James LaFond

This Masculinity Omnibus contains 10,000 words of select essays from 2013-16 and the books:

-The Third Eye
-Incubus of Your Sacred Emasculation
-At the End of Masculine Time

Available in paperback and Kindle edition.

When Your Job Sucks by James LaFond

Postmodern Wage Slave Narratives

When Your Job Sucks, the prime steakhouses of the world and hipster health-food eateries are closed to you.  Therefore, within this litany of job descriptions, that are hopefully worse than yours, the reader will find cheap-eating leads in the form of The Poor Tour and The Ghetto Gourmet, the author’s own answer to eating on less a week than most spend on their Saturday night dinner tip.

Available in paperback and Kindle edition.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Like a Woman in an SUV Crackpot Podcast Ep 6

Like a Woman in an SUV

Episode 6.1

How do police protect criminals?
Imperial scale government uses proxy forces
Locals are the proximate force, always more effective
Examples: Alexander, Conquistadores
Police psychology
Like a woman in an SUV
White privilege
Career opportunities in the Baltimore crime scene

Janissaries Were Sickos

Episode 6.2

The gang vs. the government
Egyptians used foreign security force
Ottoman use of Janissaries
Outside police forces
Alexander's three element army
Alexander succeeded by reducing scale
Empire government is removed from the people, middle layers of government can be infiltrated
CIA is rogue
The Christian Hero King
Police corruption
Third World status

My Answer is Simple

James, Sam J. left a comment calling you out on your opinions of the unrest in Charlottesville, and I think he is missing several key points we can cover:

  • Local vs. National -- You have never traveled across state lines looking for trouble.
  • Holding territory vs. a show of strength (? I am not sure that is what they were doing.) -- You are simply walking around and riding buses, not marching with signs and slogans.
  • Staying out of trouble vs. seeking trouble -- Your goal is always to avoid a fight, not look for one.
One question I would ask -- is avoiding the fight enough to hold territory. If all the white men were doing what you are doing would that be enough?


Lynn, my answer for Sam is simple.

When the U.S. military is finally called in to sort out what remains of America, and put the white Indians in their place, should you charge that Abrahms tank with a baseball bat, or should you walk by, salute the tank commander, and then maybe have a talk with him in the latrine, just you, him and your razor blade?

When it comes to dealing with 100 to 1 odds, the Spartan solution is great--for three days, which is how long they lasted against the Persians, of for 30 minutes which is how long it took the Thebans to roll them over at 50-1 odds [local superiority at the point of contact].

The Timucun, Iroquois and Apache lasted 2-300 years fighting smart rather than fighting mass versus mass.

Of course, I am not advocating fighting at all, simply speaking theoretically, Sam J, I am convinced that you are a federal agent who is trying to get me to advocate violence on the part of white men so that I can be removed from the discussion and leave young men to tramp onward to oblivion instead of thinking clearly. You have refused to contact me by email--you don't exist. You are a handle that alternately compliments and promotes my work and then tries to shame me into advocating senseless violence. Sam J--or whoever you are--I am a violent, anti-social person living in an evil world and trying to stay out of prison long enough to finish another 30 books. I will not advocate for the few young white men who have a backbone and a conscience to fight the most powerful, most evil machine to ever crush the human soul, when they should be raising sons and preparing them to tilt the balance when there is a chance, after the beast has managed to starve itself by overgrazing its sorrow pasture. For now, I am an orc in Mordor. Just because I do not march on Minas Tirith does not mean that I should then march on the Dark Tower.

Thanks, Lynn for structuring this blogpost.

(c) 2017 James LaFond & Lynn Lockhart

So Close to the Bottom

Praise on Twitter for James LaFond's The Great Society.

Thank you Wrath of Gnon!

(c) 2017 Lynn Lockhart

Friday, August 18, 2017

Man versus All

The Hero against the Gods, Men and Monsters: 

A Masculine Manifesto for Literature and Life

I am in the process of writing two heroic novels, Sold and Yusef of the Dusk and am trying to rectify the elements of the heroic in my mind. I have done this more stylistically with the Well of Heroes project, which has already netted two volumes of commentary on the works of Robert E. Howard, all of which had heroic themes. These themes, identified as aspects of his work are:

  • Trails: The natural world, the actions of man and all of those other six threads of the heroic life, act on the hero to shape his form and test his substance. 
  • Race: The racial makeup of the hero, his racial sentiments or rejection of same and racial politics—usually exterior to the hero, who tends to an elemental worldview and is often an interloper—frame and impel the hero through the story arc.
  • Civilization: In a civilized setting, the constructed and affected world of sedentary, hoarding man and scheming woman frames the heroic in stark contrast—for the setting is his elemental opposite, best depicted in film by Tarzan visiting New York and diving off the Brooklyn bridge and King Kong fighting airplanes from the spire of the Empire State Building—to the unjust world, and also, in the hands of genius writers such as Melville, London, Howard and Wolfe, illustrates the corrosive effects of degenerate living on the human character.
  • Barbarism: In a tribal setting the hero is tested in more physically active ways though in a context with no less moral gravity than its civilized counterpart. The best adventure stories in terms of entertainment occur in such settings, tending to a less complex message and less compromised hero. In terms of character development, Howard and Burroughs surpass all by bouncing their barbarian heroes back and forth between the wilting embrace of civilization and the savage allure of the tribal life.
  • Dream: The inner vision of the hero, his education by way of dream, marks a return of the outwardly energized direct actor to his center, coiling him like a spring to leap back into the field that defines him. More than anything, dream in heroic fiction and myth joins the hero with the reader and renews his connection with his revealing agent, the writer, who must not be his creator. Of the many statements about Howard that this author thinks he would object to, the oft quoted blurb “by the Creator of Conan” would probably irritate him the most, as he seemed to be a shamanic type of writer who channeled his heroic visions as much as imposed forms upon them. In terms of the man entombed in modernity, dream is where we come to know ourselves and establish an inner distance from the filthy grotesques of modernity, as well as gravitating closer to our mythic ancestors. 
  • Gulfs: Modernity accepts only physical gulfs, and eschews gulfs of morality, cognition and metaphysics, denying transcendence as a matter of first principal. Such a worldview, that denies the existence of horribly incomprehensible minds, of unfathomable evil or unimaginable gulfs in understanding cultivates the fatally domesticated mind that asks “why” as the city walls collapse, that says “no, this cannot be” as killers sweep down upon them motivated by such nonsensical notions as race, where the hero, fatalistically resigned to facing incomprehensible powers, springs into action. 
  • Cataclysm: When gulfs separating the powers that buffet the tiny human soul converge upon the realms of civilization and rend it, memories of such events are only passed down to us through the ages in the form of heroic actions. The clash of man versus nature and man versus God in the story of Gilgamesh and Enkidu, of hero versus the gods in the Iliad, of hero versus gods, monsters and hierarchies in the Odyssey, of Saracen versus Christian in the Song of Roland, of hero versus nature, monster and prince in Beowulf, all come at the clashing of nations and religions and lifeways that brought down tribes and civilizations. The hero is at the heart of our collective, moral memory and we discard him at our peril. 
How do these themes align with what I have separately sketched as the elements of the primal man, or of the uncompromising masculine?

I will address these themes in terms of Yusef, hero of The Dusk, adventuring on The Red Sea and Indian Ocean in 1201 A.D., and Jeffy Tun, an enslaved orphan, sold twice in England and once in Virginia in 1678 in the novels attributed to them. But in life, we at the End of Masculine Time, must see the heroic in ourselves in order to guard against the final abomination of our world—not on the political scale, but on the personal. For a discussion of this aspect, or the expression of Twilight Masculinity, continue to At the Feast of Souls and Grace Speaker.

(c) 2017 James LaFond

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Biblical Babes - Rahab

James, for our second installment of Biblical Babes (see Rachel and Baruch's response), let's look at the story of Rahab.

In their bid to conquer the city of Jericho, the Israelites sent a pair of spies to the city, where they lodged with the harlot, Rahab.

I had to think for a while before I figured out that the subtext of this story is the mirror image of that in your Man Gearing series, especially in the short fictional piece "The Last Bar on Earth."  Rahab's city is about to be sacked by divine decree, and she seizes the opportunity to attach herself and her family to her new Hebrew overlords.  Rahab wisely takes the feminine course of action.  First, she praises the masculine feats of the Israelites and their God.  Then she takes a risk on behalf of the spies and conceals them from her doomed king.  Finally, she asks plainly for what she wants, the lives and property of her family preserved in the coming battle.

Joshua 6:9-13
And she said unto the men, I know that the LORD hath given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you.
10 For we have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red sea for you, when ye came out of Egypt; and what ye did unto the two kings of the Amorites, that were on the other side Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom ye utterly destroyed.
11 And as soon as we had heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath.
12 Now therefore, I pray you, swear unto me by the LORD, since I have shewed you kindness, that ye will also shew kindness unto my father's house, and give me a true token:
13 And that ye will save alive my father, and my mother, and my brethren, and my sisters, and all that they have, and deliver our lives from death.

James, this plan worked out for Rahab in the end.  Rahab understood implicitly something that is really hard for us girls to accept here in the 21st century, that men are always in charge, one way or another, and your best bet is to use your feminine gifts to work within that frame to secure yourself and your family.

Am I on the right track here, or is this another female derail of the man gearing focus?


Lynn, you made the correct point clearly and concisely.

Let’s keep in mind that this hot little harlot also has the advantage of accurate prophecy at her disposal. She knows who is going to win, when in reality, most girls do not know who is coming out on top and their own measures to secure their family’s survival may be fraught with doubts.

Situations in heavily managed states and in post-collapse scenarios are going to be much harder to predict, which makes the woman’s action in Rahab’s position more important, as the issue is in doubt and her loyalty or betrayal may make the difference between the rise and fall of men.

This makes my favorite whore, Delilah, a more practical biblical example of female spies making a difference in a tribal setting.

Also, as I have often warned, men who plot against a powerful enemy or resist an evil state, that is, heroes, patriots, and also criminals, cannot let women into the decision circle and must not confide in their wives, for the women of the underdog, of the men with an obviously less than 50% chance of success, are natural traitors and can be expected to align themselves with the likely victor, not with their ties of blood or soul.

For this reason, men who might defend themselves and their own from anarcho-tyrannical proxy forces may not depend on or confide in women concerning their actions. Also note, that women do not generally support the obvious underdog [the real reason for the paucity of women on the AltRight], but rather the overlord.

(c) James LaFond & Lynn Lockhart

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Information Antidote

How the Body Politic Inoculates its Human Atoms Against Enlightenment

In studying escaped slave advertisements it has become clear that a chief reason for successful escapes in the police state of Plantation America was the growing literacy of the slave class. In that period indenture forms and travel passes represented the usual forms of identification and key tools for oppression. Flat on the heels of the era of mass slave escape which was prerevolutionary English America—staffing pirate fleets in the early 1700s and filling the ranks of disease-depleted Indian tribes in the late 1700s—it becomes obvious that literacy was a bane to the slave master. Not only could the “tolerable scholar” forge his own passes and indentures, he could do so for his mates.

In the Early American era, there was the danger of literate half-white slaves and the very common occurrence of a literate Irish slave running away with an illiterate black slave and playing the master-slave act as a cover story, for in Plantation America, before and after the Revolution, every hand was against the undocumented travelling man. This was a chief reason for the switch from predominantly white to virtually all black slavery, which occurred between 1804 and 1850. Ironically, the exclusive enslavement of blacks was only in force for about 10 years before the war that ended it, and throughout that period slave owners frantically busied themselves with preventing black literacy.

After chattel slavery was ended for adults—but not for child slaves until 1929—America found itself in possession of tens of millions of semi-literate to literate wage slaves. In order to control the behavior of these people they were set against each other across racial lines. But this can only succeed in semi-literate or sub-literate contexts.

Channeling literacy into fruitless reading can only be accomplished with a population that believes it has no agency. While this is the natural state of the female population and black men who have been raised believing they had no agency under their savior government, their remained the problem of literate white men who believed they had the ability to chart their own course in life and were more than mere pawns or pets.

The literature that must be avoided is found in the following categories:
  • Ancient texts,
  • History as analysis or narrative,
  • Subversive literature that places the man outside of the artificial State.
One need only emasculate men to direct them to emotive literature such as comic books, fantasy, political tracts and most easily accomplished, sports writing.

Eventually much of literacy was replaced by passive viewing which intensifies the emotive trend, reduces agency and dampens social aggression. However, at the same time that man was in the mid stages of his denaturing, the internet rose and within two decades much of the literature pertinent to cultivating agency among remnant souls was available at the common person’s fingertips.

With potential disaster facing the slave state intellectual tyranny, the terms of political correctness have since been brilliantly implemented. The phases are three:
  1. Three-part newspaper article construction, with the form designed to cultivate bias confirmation of the headline—which is the takeaway message—serves as the basis for the system and goes back to the beginning of the wage slave era. American who do read have been trained to read like zombies, the actual reading nothing but a confirmation of some initial assertion. 
  2. Acute attention-span deficit afflicts most Americans, with few having an attention span regarding emotive subjects—with all topics important to the ruling elite effectively emotionalized by the media through trigger words that actually shut down information intake and bypass the reasoning process. 
  3. The taboo, the ancient art of enslaving minds by demonizing strands of thought, has been resurrected to implement self-censorship on behalf of the control organisms.
The upside of these means of eliminating inquiry and discourse among humanity is that, due to rampant emasculation of men and the toxic denaturing of women, that 95% of the population is so easily controlled through self-censorship, and that 10% of the population is militantly orthodox and able to quash the emergent ides of the alienated 5% in the general herd, that there is no real pressing need for old style censorship and erasure of information, as most will refuse to read or believe the truth. This speaks to the chance of truth emerging as a viable commodity in a post-collapse society.

The danger is that the emasculation of men is so deep that the feminine urge to control the environment rather than interact with it, will win out among the minority and that their push for control will do for alternative ideas what the rise of National Socialist Germany did for nationalism, to render the prospect so abhorrent to the vast majority that its enemies will always garner broad support.

(c) 2017 James LaFond

One Soul Under God by James LaFond

The Humorously Examined Life of Columbine Joe

Columbine Joe is the one time street name of a classic Baltimore character, who survived a life of boxing, drugs, crime and ruthless women to eventually eke out a living as a food prep worker, liquor store clerk, personal trainer and FaceBook evangelist. Between April 2015 and September 2016, he told his stories to the author as they walked together through the nighted streets of Eastern Baltimore County.

Available in paperback.

On Bitches by James LaFond

A Caveman's Treatise: Why Women Are Screwed Up and How Men May Deal with Them

Men, Your Flight Has Landed. Welcome to Planet Bitchstorm! In order to retain your testicles and preserve your masculine psychology, you will be relegated to living in a metaphoric cave—and if the bitch you married permits, perhaps an actual man cave in the basement of HER house. Before offloading, be certain to take a copy of On Bitches with you. It is located next to the oxygen mask in the emergency panel above your seat. Do not take the stairs. Those are for your stewardess. After her departure, hit the testosterone switch above you—the blue one if you watched her leave, the pink one if you were combing your hair. When you splash down, swim—without breathing or swallowing—toward the towering obelisk that penetrates the bitch sky to your left. If you hit the pink button, or take in any of the liquid, just keep swallowing and drown. It’s the estrogen pond, men, your first of many tests!

Available in paperback.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Into Wicked Company by James LaFond

An American Slave Memoir in Verse

With footnotes, additional Caucasian-American slave poetry and biographical appendices by James LaFond, author of Stillbirth of A Nation and America in Chains.

Available in paperback and Kindle edition.

He by James LaFond

Gilgamesh: Into the Face of Time

Unearth the copper box, upon which is inscribed: Gilgamesh, for this is He. Unlock it. Open the lid. Take out the tablet of lapis lazuli. Read. Discover how He suffered the sorrows of the accursed and how he likewise knew the boons of the blessed. Read of the trials and triumphs of Gilgamesh.

Available in paperback.

Night City by James LaFond

A Hoodrat Halloween
Night City
Dream Flower
Trent Jackson’s Profession
Happily Ever Under
Easy Chair
Love Stinks
The Project, and More

Available in paperback.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Crackpot Podcast Episode 5 James LaFond & Lynn Lockhart

Part 1: If Tarantino Were a Shitlord

Praise for Kevin Michael Grace's interview of James LaFond.
What is a shitlord?
Is James a shitlord?

Part 2:  Access Soft, Available Game

Sequels to When You're Food:
Waking up in Indian Country
Thriving in Bad Places
Taboo You
BART attacks
Big Ron and James have a date
Baltimore transit updates
Self censorship in the press

Part 3:  They Consume and They Vote

Murderbowl update
Are Latinos in Baltimore contributing their fair share (to the Murderbowl stats)?
Inter-ethnic dynamics in gang activity
Blue collar vs white collar, white middle class

Part 4: The Big Wigs

Trump talk
Misanthropic economics
Blue collar violence
James is optimistic in his own way
Comments from La Mano
Crackhouse bus-stop
Cannibalism coming to Baltimore

Part 5:  Wore the First Wife Out

Welfare benefits
Planter's Plea
Nuclear family
Natives vs Euros + Natives

Waking Up in Indian Country by James LaFond

Harm City: 2015

A survival guide for the feral urbanite, or for the poor soul who accidentally ends up in a mid-sized majority-black American city.

Available in paperback and Kindle edition.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Hero King

What Kind of Societal Figurehead Fits a Tribal, Masculine and Transcendent Worldview?

Written with the thoughts on a just society, as expressed by Joseph Bellofatto over the course of our friendship.

The modern president or prime minister is a subdued shadow of the classical king, just as the dictator is a feminized caricature of the king, expressive or collectively distorted to the point of celebrity.

The classical king, himself, is nothing more than a pale imitation of the hero king, seduced by material concerns, managed by moneyed puppets as far back as the Magna Carta of 1215. Hence, even the king of the High Middle Ages is a debased commodity, and a manipulated manipulator, an evolved inheritor of Agamemnon, not of Achilles.

A hero king, like the hero he was before assuming kingship—David comes to mind—must, by definition be a hero first, a man who went against the established order. In an infinitely corrupt and degraded way, a modern businessman who went against the political order would satisfy this requirement. In most cases, the hero turned king is ruined by his transformation, but the ruin is his, as a sacrificial figure, rather than the ruin of the nation that befalls the followers of a dictator or a managerial head of state.

For a view of the heroic conflict of interest with the duties of kingship, one should read The Rage of Achilles from the Iliad and the Prologue of Beowulf. As both the conflict between hero and king take their toll on the nation and army respectively, as the King is essentially illegitimate in masculine, meaning primal, terms, with his stature based upon the accumulated wealth passed down by hero kings and passed upward by slave beings, resting upon the actual heroism—actionist sacrifice—of politically disenfranchised henchmen. This latter element reflects the essential instability of any hereditary kingship and the illegitimate proxy nature of any politically selected head-of-state.

Recently, while discussing politics and my apolitical lack of alignment with a war-fighter, he asked me why I could neglect an attempt to influence the selection of the regime leadership that my sons must live under.

I responded that my position was so far to the right that alignment with the New American Political Right made no more sense to me than the alignment of the “Alt-Right” with third wave feminist political candidates would make to writers at such sites as Counter-Currents and VDare, and that the very idea of a president serving as the hood ornament of an ostensible oligarchy, which is in fact the backroom-bought mask of an actual plutocratic state, was a political form so intrinsically corrupt and false-faced that no good could come of it.

He then asked what kind of government I would support.

I put forth the idea of the Hero King:
  • The man must have fought;
  • The man must have killed;
  • The man must give away all his worldly possessions;
  • The man must then engage in some physical contest to be named king;
  • The man must serve uncompensated, advised by older, not younger, men, who have likewise sworn an oath of poverty;
  • The man must participate in any military action he initiates;
  • The man must retire into poverty and exile when physical or mental decline render him ineffective.
That is it, rather than a hero becoming degraded by kingship and devolving into the pawn that pushes lesser pawns around the board of death merchant exchange, he should remain the bane of such manipulators, rather than surrender to their embrace as any modern head-of-state must.

(c) 2017 James LaFond

Friday, August 4, 2017

Meme Wars: Poetry Battle

This past Wednesday, President Trump's based policy adviser Stephen Miller gave a press briefing on the President's new immigration proposal.  The briefing starts at about 45 minutes and offers a lot of viewing pleasure if you're into this kind of thing, but the choice bit comes at about 1:11:25, where Miller calls on CNN's Jim Acosta and Acosta cites The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus, as inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, and asks Miller whether the proposed legislation violates that sacrosanct bit of doggerel.

Now, I am a simple minded girl, so I appreciate poetry that approximates complete sentences and that sincerely tries to get a point across.  In that respect, if no other, I give Emma high marks.  Still higher marks go to Rudyard Kipling, whose poems not only rhyme and scan, they also contain true statements!  I will skip the obvious rejoinder, which was recently recited dramatically by Stefan Molyneux.  Instead, I want to share the one I think of more often, the one that helps me get into the frame of mind to write for the LaFond readership:


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream--and not make dreams your master;
If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings--nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son!

Rudyard Kipling

Poet by James LaFond

The Enlightened Fate of Akbar Qama

Akbar Qama, retired boxer and former Black Muslim assassin, who fought The Man in Detroit and Oakland back in the day, has retired to the life of a boxing coach for a boy’s outreach program sponsored by the same evil man that recruited him more than four decades ago. In Baltimore he lives on the top floor of a vacant house and is known as The Street Light Man and Black Superman by the local youth. The Whites who know him call him Poet. Past sixty years, with his mental powers and extreme physicality fading, Akbar is finally faced with a test worthy of the man who once wasted his gifts on prize-fighting and vengeance, when he meets a frightening White Devil who draws him into a dance with Death and Damnation.

Available in paperback.

A Well of Heroes: One by James LaFond

Literary Impressions of the Prose and Verse of Robert E. Howard

A Well of Heroes is an attempt to review every story, poem and fiction fragment written by Robert E. Howard, according to the mythic themes that the world’s most enduring pulp author seemed to tap into with uncanny depth and precision. Each volume will feature an in-depth examination of the subtext of one of Howard’s major works. Volume One is a broad survey of Howard’s work, which delineates the mythic themes he used so well and features his only interplanetary story, the novel Almuric, unpublished in his lifetime, reviled by mainstream critics and regarded as a taboo work by some Howard fans. Featuring reviews with Danica Lorincz and by Mescaline Franklin.

Available in paperback and Kindle edition.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Thriving in Bad Places by James LaFond

Studies in Awareness, Avoidance and Counter-Aggression

At a glance, how lethal is the environment you find yourself in? How can you predict aggression? How can you detect threat development? How can you discourage aggression? What are the phases of confrontational escalation? What does predation look like? What are the foundations for effective counter-aggression? If you would like to know the answers to these questions read Thriving in Bad Places.

Available in paperback.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

A Once Great Medieval City by James LaFond

2016: Impressions of Baltimore Maryland

A Look at H.L. Mencken’s infamous hometown by an obscure writer laboring in his shadow, even as he is hunted through the thug-infested streets of their decaying city.

Don't miss the moving photography by Mescaline Franklin.

Available in paperback.