
Monday, August 21, 2017

My Answer is Simple

James, Sam J. left a comment calling you out on your opinions of the unrest in Charlottesville, and I think he is missing several key points we can cover:

  • Local vs. National -- You have never traveled across state lines looking for trouble.
  • Holding territory vs. a show of strength (? I am not sure that is what they were doing.) -- You are simply walking around and riding buses, not marching with signs and slogans.
  • Staying out of trouble vs. seeking trouble -- Your goal is always to avoid a fight, not look for one.
One question I would ask -- is avoiding the fight enough to hold territory. If all the white men were doing what you are doing would that be enough?


Lynn, my answer for Sam is simple.

When the U.S. military is finally called in to sort out what remains of America, and put the white Indians in their place, should you charge that Abrahms tank with a baseball bat, or should you walk by, salute the tank commander, and then maybe have a talk with him in the latrine, just you, him and your razor blade?

When it comes to dealing with 100 to 1 odds, the Spartan solution is great--for three days, which is how long they lasted against the Persians, of for 30 minutes which is how long it took the Thebans to roll them over at 50-1 odds [local superiority at the point of contact].

The Timucun, Iroquois and Apache lasted 2-300 years fighting smart rather than fighting mass versus mass.

Of course, I am not advocating fighting at all, simply speaking theoretically, Sam J, I am convinced that you are a federal agent who is trying to get me to advocate violence on the part of white men so that I can be removed from the discussion and leave young men to tramp onward to oblivion instead of thinking clearly. You have refused to contact me by email--you don't exist. You are a handle that alternately compliments and promotes my work and then tries to shame me into advocating senseless violence. Sam J--or whoever you are--I am a violent, anti-social person living in an evil world and trying to stay out of prison long enough to finish another 30 books. I will not advocate for the few young white men who have a backbone and a conscience to fight the most powerful, most evil machine to ever crush the human soul, when they should be raising sons and preparing them to tilt the balance when there is a chance, after the beast has managed to starve itself by overgrazing its sorrow pasture. For now, I am an orc in Mordor. Just because I do not march on Minas Tirith does not mean that I should then march on the Dark Tower.

Thanks, Lynn for structuring this blogpost.

(c) 2017 James LaFond & Lynn Lockhart

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