
Sunday, September 24, 2017

Mangina Season

Resist the Activation of Your Drone Clitoris

Masculinity has it fallow seasons, both lesser and greater. Do not fall prey to the systemic emasculation offered by our sick, quibbling society. Below are two of the most pervasive pitfalls of our age.

The National Felony League

From September through January every year, as winter falls over the nation, so does winter come to manhood, as the majority of American men gather in gaggles great and small in faux worship of the most childish and obnoxious celebrity athletes that our irradiated Gaia has managed to spawn from her puss oozing womb of mongrel nations.

If you view a football game, do so as a mechanical study, not as a fan, sidelined from life, his passion leashed in abject passivity rendered superficially masculine in the eyes of this toxic anti-culture only because men, when behaving like women, cheering on the masculine paragons they would like to be dominated by, are louder than women, and therefore somehow appear manly, as if a cartoon rendering of Mister McGoo represented the stern genius of Confucius.

Alt-Right Bitch Parading

The recent revolt against deracination, cultural obliteration, masculine eradication and semantic tyranny has drawn Right-thinking men into protest and support marches in which they are compromised in every way. In a world where you cannot say what you think or believe, it may seem like a form of masculine expression to argue in the streets; playing at petty war may seem masculine. However, protest parading is intrinsically feminine and meant to build sympathy for the physically powerless marchers in the same way as neighbors might sympathize with a battered wife and vote to pass a law permitting her access to the proxy force of the government.

The entire democratic process is a form of emasculation, with voting the best fertilizer for cultivating the citizen’s delusion that he is empowered, when in fact his very casting of a ballot disempowers him. Protesting and other such whining vigils are merely nooses for dissidents hung from the yardarm of the ship of state in hopes that some fool might place his head into it and jump.


Jack’s Garden

Earlier this year Jack Donovan wrote a much criticized essay on Alt-Right politics and racial identity activism in the face of our looming homogeneity, in which he closed by suggesting that a man build something, build himself, make his own way, rather than insisting in a say granted by the beast that ever lies. It occurs to me now at this remove that Jack was vaguely predicting the Alt-Right Waterloo at Charlottesville.

A man should not seek from the hand that keeps him.

A man should take the world by the throat and wring from it truth and lie.

To paraphrase the searing answer my favorite serial killer once gave, standing at the precipice of his extermination, when asked if he had any final regrets:

“That the world had but one neck, so I could ring it!”

-Carl Panzram

Now, that was a man, that is a hero by the ancient definition. He was evil and he was not a good citizen. But he was no worse than the world that raped him in the cradle—better in fact, because he raped and killed men, one on one, rather than the systemic degradation and mental mutilation afflicted upon the thinking individual by the mass media state and its puppeteers.

Find the Panzram in you and then take that animus and forge it into something good rather than the devouring growth within that ate him alive.

Many have taken the better road.

It can be done.

(c) 2017 James LaFond

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