
Saturday, October 28, 2017

Final Words

Parting thoughts from Big Ron -- Look for Let the World Fend for Itself, to be published in November.

Basically, in Baltimore, it’s all about dealing with the blacks. There are a lot of different kinds of people in Baltimore that the liberal media do not even credit with existing, like the Indians, who are right on the front line.

Masculine Digression

When I was growing up you would do stupid shit like get into fistfights to get a girl’s attention. Now, the way things have gotten, you just have to be masculine. Just not cowering down and bite your nails and you can attract a woman, because men are so far gone now that they aren’t men.

The women are disappointed and the men are listening to this bullshit on social media and the news and Hollywood. Women want to fuck a man. You got these feminist chicks with a beat-down man and what do they do?

They go cheat on them with a real man. It’s just not sustainable.


When you got a caper, you usually have a dummy. You don’t pull your car in the parking lot. You get a dummy, fill is head full of shit, give him a gun and if he makes it back you take half the money. Those three guys that robbed the 7-11, the idiot who gets the $26 and gets shot and the two other dumbasses that run off, it’s not their caper, it’s somebody else’s caper, the guy with the car that’s waitin’ on a back street.

The smart has always dominated the stupid. That’s just the way it is. You got the Big Brain and you have the dummies that actually take the risk to pull the caper off.

There’s always a big brain in every caper.

Shit comes together, not organized like some kind of military regimentation, but by who is the alpha male, who is smarter. Even if its two men, you’ve got a smart guy and a dumber fucking guy. That’s how that shit comes together.


I didn’t mind enforcing company policy and regulations, but I didn’t rat the men out or screw them over for the higher ups. I’m not duckin’ people over for the bottom line. It didn’t matter to me if they had a family or bills or were single and wanted to drink and smoke crack, but dealt with them how they were as an individual, how they dealt, how they were. I got along well with the higher ups, the big brains, the architects, but I’ wouldn’t fuck over the men for them.

[Lateral loyalty]

Everyone is an individual. There is no absolute.

I had one kid on the job a few years ago who was a good worker but just wanted to drink and chase pussy. They wanted me to fire him and I wouldn’t. He was a smart fucker, mechanically inclined. He was a smart fucker and liked pussy. I wasn’t going to cut his throat for that. So he learned what he could and moved on. More power to him. I could understand their concerns that he wasn’t moving up in their hierarchy, but he wasn’t harming them either, just making his way.

Us working guys need to look out for each other.


Without a doubt, dealing with the dindus is number one. That’s what gets the hipsters in trouble. They’re just preyed upon. But the working class whites that are still here are familiar with it. A lot of them are just windus themselves.

A good thing to say to law enforcement if they stop you and ask you if you’ve ever been arrested just say to them, “I’m not legally obligated to answer that, officer, I would like to speak to an attorney.”

It’s never good to talk to law enforcement. Not that I’m an anti-law enforcement guy. But you have to look out for yourself. They never ask you questions to help you. Whatever happens, happens. If they are going to plant evidence on you, they do. If they are going to beat the shit out of you, they will. It never works out good to challenge an officer, never works out good to challenge a person in a position of authority. Sometimes you have to take it upside the head and okay-doke them a little bit. Cops believe that most people are lying and since most people are stupid they [the cops] put things in your head and start their narrative. It’s never good to talk to the cops. The limbo right before you're arrested gets a lot of people in trouble. Tell them, “Arrest me and take me to booking.” Don’t say anything. Ask for your lawyer.

Part of what I’m saying is based on what a good friend of mine—who was a detective—told me and the other part is based on experience. Unsolved crimes are never good for police districts. Better to have someone who is charged and not convicted, that’s still a “solved” crime according to their perspective.


The city—and America more and more—is all run according to who is desperate enough to deal with the blacks, so the Jews sold to the Koreans and the Koreans are all selling to the Pakis. It’s always going to be in flux, because no one who is not desperate will do business with the blacks. It’s really that simple, “Who is willing to do business with people who will definitely steal from you and might kill you.”

(c) 2017 James LaFond

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