
Sunday, April 8, 2018

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 19

Wedded bleakness.

James LaFond on E. Michael Jones.

Evola's warrior discipline is at fatal odds with materialist modernity.

Eirik Bloodaxe joins the Barbarian chorus encouraging Clued to embrace the savage life.

Uber Joe reporting from the Harm City Uber beat, toddler beatings and deep, deep burns.

Boxing analysis: George Foreman

The suburban Crime Surfer instructs you on The Scout.

Most of us are slaves.  It's good to understand this, and our options relative to the slaves who came before us.

The drug war makes good TV.

USA! USA! USA! -- I have to respond to Sam J.  Sam J., the top rank for the US is absurd, may be farcical, but it is, in fact, correct.  Cultural erasure: how about American "NGOs" working to bring abortion and gay marriage to the last vestiges of Christendom?  By the way, how do you like your tax dollars funding Planned Parenthood, to the tune of millions of dead babies, their body parts trafficked for cosmetic procedures?  How about Madeleine Albright and her half-million dead Iraqi children?  How many dead, white Americans due to the CIA running heroin from Afghanistan, and how many broken lives?

To Jeremy's point, yes, America provides the greatest material advantage, and apparent freedom from government oppression, but you don't have to scratch very far to see the illusion there, do you?  America's greatness comes from its people in spite of its government.  Other places have lower quality people and equal or worse--but less powerful--government.

These are the women you want with you at the apocalypse!

James is reading and annotating Up From Slavery for the Plantation America Project, comparing and contrasting slavery of the descendants of Europe and Africa in North America.

I can't honestly recommend this, but if you'd like to be a character in James' 2018 fiction book, go sigh up here.

Evola on suicide soldiers and the Roman devotio.

Buy James' books through Amazonpdf books through his main website, become a Patron, or donate straight to the man through Paypal, because you love James and his work.


  1. Wedded bleakness. Lynn, I really like your title selections.
    I'm so glad to have you as a managing editor.

  2. Unpaid intern .... to managing editor! This woman is on the fast track.

    1. It's nice to have the title, but I didn't get a raise, sad face!
