
Saturday, May 12, 2018

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 24

Here are your weekend links!

James joined the Myth of the 20th Century to talk about Hell's Angels.  Big Ron shares his experience with bikers.  James reviews Hunter Thompson's Hell's Angels, and tells of an encounter with a group of Hell's Angels in a bar, and profiles the better sort of man associated with MCs.

James should start a dating service.

Fueling your fight, anger and fear.

Teutonic Fist responds to Ep 33 of the Crackpot Podcast.

Encouragement to writers looking to self publish.

The Baltimore restaurant scene is shrinking, look for an upcoming Crackpot Podcast with Nero the Pict on the topic.

Table manners of the Huron Indians, oh dear, and use of dogs by other Native Americans.

Mathematics will not survive the apocalypse.

The Checkered Demon spins a tale.

Dating advice from Dr. Bonecracker.

Clued is seeking, and I can tell from the comments he is looking in the right place.

A mostly unfunny night of comedy in the surreal city.

Erique is the whitest guy in the Baltimore area LaFondiverse, the proof is that he has cop calling privilege.

Learn about the sacred objects in the dindu rites.

Buy James' books through Amazonpdf books through his main website, become a Patron, or donate straight to the man through Paypal, because you love James and his work.

(c) 2018 Lynn Lockhart


  1. The funny thing about Erique and I is that he is whiter than any of my white friends and I am blacker than his black friends!

    1. It's like the premise of a Wayans brothers' movie!
