
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Not Much of a Protest

Artistic Negation in the News

Manny Soprano, our Senior Correspondent from New Jersey, has filed the following report:

There wasn’t much of a protest this week. It seems the City has agreed to move the Statue 200 feet in newly built park. My bet is the thing goes into storage and never comes out.

More on the story here.

(c) 2018 James LaFond


  1. Thanks, Manny. I would have had no clue if not for you.

  2. That a damn dramatic sculpture! Never seen it before, Thanks.

  3. Oh Gawd, by not wanting to move the statue, you are celebrating the 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Jews that were moidured in the hawlacawwssttt, shut it down!
