
Sunday, July 29, 2018

Summer Plans - Crackpot Podcast 39

James and Lynn talked back in May about summer plans and current events.  I hope you enjoy this short episode.

The Crackpot Podcast features compulsive writer James LaFond and compulsive editor Lynn Lockhart.



00:40  Request from Brian Jewell
01:10  2Kevins podcast, how the Crackpot got started, Lynn seeks validation, fails to obtain
07:23  Elusive Big Ron update, Let the World Fend for Itself
10:05  Tribes Yarns, James' estate planning
15:30  The World is our Widow
17:25  Ghetto Grocer news
22:50  Baltimore Police Chief indicted
27:40  Single Combat, Baruch's comments, The Deadliest Men
38:25  Industrial warfare, Napoleonic Wars
45:30  Summer plans

(c) 2018 Lynn Lockhart


  1. Hey Lynn. I really enjoy the show. Have been listening and reading James' books since I heard him on Myth of the 20th Century. Did he say he was going on Jim Goad's show? I'd been emailing him to recommend James so hopefully he'll be on.

    Anyway, thanks for the interesting talks. Looking forward to hearing more.

    1. Hi Henry, this is the meathead with the nasal voice.
      Lynn and I did have a nice conversation with Jim Goad, who was a very interesting and intelligent man. I can assure you, though, that I won't be on his show.

      We are planning a Robert E. Howard discussion with Nick Mason from Myth of the 20th Century.

      Thanks for your support, Sir.

    2. Thank you, Henry, I am glad you enjoy it!

    3. Hey James,
      That's good y'all got in touch at least. Goad was my first introduction to the history of white slavery. He also had a contentious interview with that annoying idiot ex-cop turned social justice weenie from Baltimore on his show so I figured there'd be some overlap between you guys.

      On another note, I've been reading Masculine Axis and it's got some very interesting ideas. I've never read anything quite like it. "People farming", "temporary families", your take on superhero movies (God I hate that childish crap), and what civilization truly means really stand out so far. I'm about half-way done but one of these days I'd like to hear your take on some similar topics.

      Who knows, you might've already covered them in one of your other books. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy your time off and thanks for the interesting conversations.

  2. I agree with baruck (or was it the M21C guys?), Lynn does have a nice radio voice. very pleasant. Be encouraged, i really think you guys hitting your stride.

    1. Lynn does have a disarming voice. After I take over the world I think I'm going to have her make all my normalcy announcements to the myriad meat-puppets.

    2. Thank you, SidVic, so nice of you to say.
