
Friday, October 12, 2018

The Universal Housing Right

The Premise behind the Science Fiction Concept of Reverent Chandler, Malediction Song & Nightsong of the Nords (coming soon).

The world of Reverent Chandler is a science-fantasy setting, in that it is based on real climate science, not state-media propaganda, real current events and a heroic vision of life, which, in terms of science fiction, is the literature of modernity, fantastical.

The suppositions underpinning the storyline are only obliquely treated in the text, and are, in order that they occur to form the setting:

1.  2030: The social disintegration of postmodern western civilization accelerates.

2.  2060: The African population explosion and the imposition of one world government [excluding China, North Korea and Japan] results in The Universal Housing Right Initiative, mandating the integration of homeless Africans and Middle Eastern refugees into American households. Implementation of this law will be placed in the hands of Christian and Jewish charities, with population removal, reduction and integration handled by military contractors coordinating with church agents.

3.  2090: As Protestant Christianity naturally devolves into secular humanism or spawns radical denominations, and Catholicism naturally evolves into a statist apparatus, the prediction is that the large scale Islamization of Europe and the U.S.A. will generate a crusading order among Deep State fanatics, who will cloth themselves in militant Catholicism in an ultimate attempt to remove the caliphate from Vatican City and restore the papacy.

4.  2100: With the earth clearly entering another major glaciation, Indigenous Americans of the northern and formerly temperate zones will seek local cultural autonomy, expressed as an amalgamation of metaphysical traditions native to those regions and to those regions of northern Europe ancestral to the remnant Caucasian population, in other words a mixing of Nordic and Amerindian worldview.

The resulting setting, hundreds of years after the collapse of one world government and supporting technological infrastructure, is a wholehearted return to the medieval mindset, a northern hemisphere, temperate zone population of less than 10 million, and an increasingly bitter struggle between militant Catholic multiculturalism and a resurgent Caucasian heathenism.

A pure science fiction approach would have sought the most probable result of these 4 factors. The science-fantasy approach is to embrace a less probable, extremist setting which may facilitate lifeways that at once resemble a return to our ancestral conditions, and conditions critically affected by the lingering aspects of our technological society.

(c) 2018 James LaFond

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