
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Letter to Shareholder

To: James LaFond
Re: Crackpot Industries Letter to Shareholders 2018

Dear Mr. LaFond,

2018 was a banner year for Crackpot Industries. I want to highlight our successes and our trajectory for 2019, but first, I will give you a quick recap of 2017 to show how far we have come in such a short time. When I joined in late 2016, you were struggling to keep track of the number of books you had in print. I spent the first half of 2017 cataloging your works in a massive spreadsheet, using Amazon searches and your own website as sources.  The Crackpot Podcast was born in June of 2017 and we published 20 episodes that year, as well as some other videos.  Before the year was over, I had edited and published Masculine Axis and Autumn in a Dying City, the latter of which was banned by Amazon, the opening salvo in a war on your writing that would continue into 2018.

Let's look at the numbers for 2018:

Books published: 7 titles, 331,000 words
Books banned: 3 titles
Crackpot Podcast: 27 episodes
YouTube: 11,000 views, 185,000 minutes watched
MP3 downloads: over 10,000
Blogposts: 159 articles
Total titles in print: 149

In social media, the Crackpot Podcast YouTube channel has over 190 subscribers, with another 140 RSS subscribers, and 230 followers on my Lynn Lockhart twitter account.

At the bottom of this post you will find images of each book I have edited, including our first title of 2019, Cracker-Boy; clicking each image will take you to the Amazon link for each book.

Looking ahead, this year, we hope to publish another 7 titles, beating our total for last year, as well as continue podcasting approximately every other week after a slow start.  A special project is in the works to release banned titles in limited edition, autographed hard covers.

Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to Crackpot Industries.  If I wasn't doing this, I would be crocheting potholders (I can only do squares or rectangles), or trying to sell Avon to my non-existent female friends or some other stay-at-home mom hustle so I hope you decide to keep me on.

Lynn Lockhart
COO, Crackpot Industries

(c) 2019 Lynn Lockhart


  1. Dear Ms. Lockhart, thanks so much to you and your elite cadre of proofreaders. Due to your efforts future knuckleheads might mistake me for someone who passed an English test.

  2. Keep shamelessly pimping the patron account and encourage james to do more podcasts. The guy simply has no talent for self promotion. I would so enjoy seeing lafond break through. You guys should also consider attending AmRen this year. You know get among your fans!
