
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 66

Sorry for the late links, I was checking in with Uncle Sam yesterday.

James's thoughts on Christchurch, part 1, part 2.

Attention Londoners -- The book you need is linked in the image below.  If the Crackpot comes into his deserving millions of sales, maybe we will head to the UK to do some journalism on knife violence.

How does North America turn people into Indians?

Very kind words about a pre-publication fiction work from Nathaniel Lucas, lately of Social Matter.

Learn more about climate change, if you are brave enough.

Reading about reading about the horror might be worse than reading the horror itself.

This piece has everything, but my favorite is how the Irish keep Boston safe for white people.

A boxing piece, both coaching and commentary here.

I enjoy unearthing sources for James but it creates more work for me in the end.  Learn about Sluyter and Dankaerts journals of their travels to the New World.

(c) 2019 Lynn Lockhart

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