
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 69

Let's get these out on a Saturday morning for once!

A truly scathing book review.  I gave James this book, though I haven't read it, and we will discuss on the podcast.

Imagine believing there is such a thing as white privilege!

Stevedore offers an alternative to the 1-10 scale.

A LaFondian offers a primer on jazz music.

Julian von Abele seems like a good guy, but James would really love Richard Feynman.

James maintains a books-in-progress page but what he doesn't show there are the sneaky books--started and finished before they ever show up as in-progress, like American Dream Boat.

Just how many slaves does Mister Jim own???

Do you have one million books to read?  Why not add one more--Janissaries?

Are you following along in Shadow & Claw?  Here are impressions of chapter 15, chapter 16.

The Euro-Indian topic is going to fill more than one volume, I am calling it now.

I love these ancient weapons explanations.  Can you just see James as a college professor?

(c) 2019 Lynn Lockhart


  1. How come I don't see Lafond out promoting his newest book? Last time i checked in I SAW A SWORD FIGHT! Yeah I bet that sold alot of books:)

    1. I have been telling James he needs to go on tour offering to sword fight readers. That would sell books, right?
