
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Fur Baby

Codicil to the Last Will & Testament to Riley of the Mountain Redoubt

In my dotage, an engine and fan strapped to my back misting herbicide into Spring’s weeds, I stop and give Jet the dog a fresh chicken egg cracked in her bowl. She inhales it all but for a few shell shards, being young and still learning. An experienced country dog would have downed it complete, a dog’s gut being a sort of on board disintegrator ray.

So why a puppy now as I head into times when reality has transitioned? Politicians buying votes with embracement of your favorite deviancy rather than half pints of wine. Up being down and all, why start out a new puppy and the investment of time, effort? Feedback from the heart is all the response one could ask, and despite the effort spent, worth it. She outlives me? Well, bless her heart. It’s always in the past been another thing, me burying another dog broken-hearted. I’d just as soon miss that. The same things folks say about birthing children in broke down times.

Took her to the first session of obedience school today, me with four ounces of peanut butter and banana treats and a clicker in my pocket. I could have raked four ounces of dried cat turds out of the litter box and done as well, treat-wise. Dogs are, despite their attributes, nasty creatures at heart and will eat anything! They are sensory connoisseurs and rival the French at chowing down on the unthinkable. Only a chump allows a dog to “kiss” them.

Obedience school is for training owners to communicate with their dogs, using dog-shrink tricks to get their way. To reward the good and discourage the bad, like raising a child but with better results. To teach them to trust your judgment more than their own. To be low key, but insistent and fair. To be consistent and strict, but kindly with it all. To swallow anger and keep the frustration buried. It takes self control to control others.

And that is why dogs pay off. They reacquaint one with their humanity, and all that entails when dealing with innocents. Plus, you get the great ears and a walking burglar alarm. All said, I’ve forgotten people but never a single dog.

I checked Islam off my list long ago.


(c) 2019 Riley

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