
Saturday, September 21, 2019

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 89

I think it's still Saturday.  I got a lot of sun today, so I'm a little fuzzy.

Thank you, James, so much for this lovely dose of fresh, ripped from the headlines, fiction.  I missed it!

This Corn Pop story has actually endeared Joe Biden to me.  What's going on is that Joe's brand of wokeness is outdated and he hasn't updated his programming to the newest iteration, such an update would surely freeze the operating system and a factory reset is out of the question.  Joe has been talking about outreach to black families to help them rise up (90s era anti-racism), where the current thinking is that the power of the state must be brought down on white men to crush them.

Many of our kind will watch these videos and feel a Chuck Norris rule of the mind.  They can't see it.

Women's lib, Paleface Indian style, I like it.

Back in my serious office job days I used to document harassment to preserve my own sanity and told all my bosses that I loved the job and would never quit, so they were all quite shocked...

James, you and Zman are in good company, Heartiste has long written about "good whites" and "bad whites" and this was also discussed on the forum where I found your website, 

Polymachus is a big brain fella, that's for sure.  Stand back in awe as these gentlemen take it apart and put it back together.

My children were menaced by a pair of massive pitbulls at the beach today.  The mulatta dyke who owned them could not keep both on leash.  I picked up my smaller child and stepped repeatedly between my larger child and the dog.  She moved down the beach and lost control again, this time, I was armed with the heavy plastic handle of a large sand shovel.  A Paleface man nearby got up from his repose to grab the leash of the loose dog and hand it to the woman.  The three beasts then left the beach and I walked off the adrenaline.

(c) 2019 Lynn Lockhart


  1. Whatever happened to Heartise?I know he was deplatformed,but then?
    I use to go for runs in a semi rural place in MS,my foe were a pair of Doberman ,I usually carried a handgun when running and I think they knew instinctively to stay well away,dogs have good instincts about these things.
    It looks like I may be leaving my job sailing and going back on contract in Afghanistan in a few months.
    I’m curious as to whether James has any training sessions going on in the next few months,east coast.

    1. Steve, please email James, at -at- gmail -dot- com, or call him at 443 686 0598
