
Saturday, November 2, 2019

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 95

This is the 500th post on this website!

James has been on the cutting edge of Baltimore bloodshed for decades.

Women's sports would have a place, I believe, in a genteel culture, to display grace and beauty in a modest way, and promote eugenic breeding, but that's not what we have.

The WQ goes way back in the history of the Aryan people.  "Trad" is not really what you think it is.

A big problem with the "white" racial category is that there has never been any solidarity between whites, even co-religionists, neither in Europe nor in North America.

You must watch this video and you must attend the Man Weekend, or sponsor something similar in your own lives.  James did a blow-by-blow commentary for this video for an upcoming podcast.

The mental barrier against perceiving an attack must be one of the greatest cases of mass hypnosis or mass delusion in history.

Fight commentary, street edition.

Fight commentary, Gatti vs. Ward.

The great literature is so much greater when LaFond reads it for you.

Gentler tyranny turns out to be more effective tyranny, as Huxley foresaw.

This is good advice for story tellers and editors.

Fate is nothing more than a cosmic comedian.

The bit about unpaid fact checkers and editors is 100% true, believe me.

Items (5) and (4) are emphatically NOT true of the West Coast, the others are probably mixed.

Thanks to American Dagda for this nice sketch of the history of the Scots-Irish.  James hints darkly that small differences matter much to close neighbors.

When it's not just a stroll in the park.

The Fedpoasters are out in force right now.  Be wise and wary.

The American Dagda and The Violence Guy go back and forth on Barbarism vs. Civilization.


  1. Thank you Lynn, for bringing Mr. Lafond to my attention. When I learn to read, I will definitely buy at least one of his books, right after I read one of Mr. Daniel Hopsicker's. For now though,I would be satisfied with a new podcast. I realize you are a busy lady, with children to raise. God bless and help you. Because I cannot.

    1. Dear Mister Larry,
      The Crackpot Podcast is one of the leading free podcasts of the non-left and we take pride in delivering the value our listeners deserve. The Crackpot is an itinerant prophet and your humble podcastrix is a busy homeschooling mom. For these and many other reasons, we pursue an extremely sporadic schedule for taping and release of podcasts.
      The next one is over two hours long and planned for debut on Monday, November 11. I hope this suits your listening needs.

      Lynn L.

  2. Whoops, I didn't see this post before I begged again. So sorry, that date is not too far away, I think I can make it.
