
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

70 The Pain Scale - Crackpot Podcast

Hello Friends,

Here is a podcast, I hope you like it.  We talked about a bunch of things, recent writing projects, stick-fighting and fighting ill-mannered dogs.

The Crackpot Podcast is produced by Lynn Lockhart, a middle aged mom with strange hobbies and James LaFond, a brilliant writer traveling North America.




0:01:55  James LaFond PDF bookstore
0:06:50  Book of Nightmares
0:08:40  Under an Iron Crown, dreams
0:17:50  The Gauntlet
0:25:30  The Axe
0:34:40  Drunken Agon
0:41:10  Ray Robinson Rocky Graziano
0:44:00  Crackpot Crime evaluation rubric
0:51:30  Habitat Hoodrat
1:06:20  Da PO-LEESE
1:15:50  Chuck Norris rule and dogs

(c) 2019 Lynn Lockhart


  1. Great podcast. My father would kill bad dogs out of hand and i've inherited the inclination. It was jarring to be sure. I like james but a hush puppy sneaking up on him? I call pussy on that. If it takes down a kid- its on you.

  2. Hush puppies are notoriously sneaky...

    Yep, I sure felt like a pussy when I was too slow to stab anything that was lunging at me.

    I should have chimped out.

  3. I have an outdoor cat in my yard. He's a bad ass with a spiked collar. He's taken on pit bulls, off leash, in HIS yard, and not received a scratch. I don't hesitate to give a glancing blow or two with an escrima stick when necessary. When the economy fully recovers.........meaning gets worse........I'll eat the fuckers. I grew up in the Philippines and have eaten dog, I'll do it again before I move to a retirement village in Florida and be force fed catfood by way of tuna.

  4. Just finished listening, so a little late to the party.

    Not sure about the "Death Wish" remake, as I haven't seen it. But, there is a scene in the first Jack Reacher movie where Reacher is helped by a melinated individual while being chased by the cops. Even better is that the hat provided for a disguise is one of the blacked-out MLB caps that seem to be popular in the Amish community.
