
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Truth in Snow

From Riley, the Marriage Counselor

So, the snow came in Monday night. No surprise to anyone, my Wife said lines were long at the grocer’s. The weather guessers were saying foot and a half and up.

At eleven Monday morning, the concrete saw gnawing through my shop slab bogged down and popped every breaker on the place. Modernity ground to a halt, but the carpenters kept up the game with hammer and chisel.

I wandered the grounds resetting breakers, really trying to remember what move worked the last time (was it years ago?) this happened. The carpenters finished up and I paid them off. They left for town. The sky was dark and spitting frozen rain. I found my small light and went into the basement, past the 24-battery bank to the inverter. There, written below it, was the process to restart the system. Ignition.

I cranked the generator set and charged the battery bank up, and my Wife got home with lots of town stuff related to Thanksgiving. We toasted the storm and settled in for the night.

That was Monday, but this is Thursday. We had the nice dinner and lie about stuffed, but we are still snowed in. It is interesting these days to be immobilized in any way, and it has been a torment to snowshoe out the drive through thigh-deep snow. The drive I blithely walk every day of my life? I’ve managed to slog half way over three days. Tomorrow I’ll bust through to the bottom.

First time on snowshoes in years (again) and a reminder of what great exercise tools they are. A man who snowshoes to work doesn’t need coffee. Meanwhile, my Wife is seriously upset to be snowbound. I do think I’d best pull off some break out soon, lest my rib freak out.

You want to know that woman? You want to get down into her nooks and crannies and all that flat-out private stuff? Put up the lubricant. Just go get snowed in somewhere and pay heed.

Some folks get edgy when they realize the exits are dogged off.


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