
Thursday, October 19, 2017

Crackpot Podcast Ep 12 Spooky Halloween

Welcome to Episode 12 of the Crackpot Podcast with James LaFond and Lynn Lockhart!  This is the Spooky Halloween Episode!

Ep 12 downloadable mp3

00:45 2017's Halloween story, Animal Control
03:36 Buzz Bunny (earlier anthropomorphic story)
05:15 Discussion of how wildlife could use weapons
07:11 What was Halloween like for James growing up?
08:50 What was Halloween like when James' kids were small?
10:58 How James learned to use the speedbag
14:09 Adventures of the neighborhood possum (opossum?) Hiss
16:10 Did James ever have to hand out candy?
16:55 Real Halloween in Baltimore
17:27 Interlude for local emergency response activity
19:50 A Hoodrat Halloween (Kindle & paperback)
23:41 Where is Oliver?
24:36 Oliver, you must finish taping A Hoodrat Halloween!!
26:03 Listening to music while writing fiction
27:02 Hurt Yurt origin story
31:31 How to do self service trick-or-treating
35:12 Skulker Jones, Sympathy for the Devil
41:15 Hemavore
41:52 The Filthy Few
43:20 DoomFawn (Kindle & paperback)

(c) 2017 Lynn Lockhart


  1. Lynn, you did such a nice job on this. I really like the music selections, and--since I saw a family photo of you in a dress--would like to let the fellas listening know that you are a ringer for the lady depicted in the painting that you use for an icon.
    Is she an ancestor?
    Don't tell me you have that painting hanging on the wall?

    No wonder you believe so strongly in genetics and bloodlines...

  2. Skulker Jones was inspired by Sympathy For The Devil. Sympathy For The Devil was inspired by Mikhail Bulgakov's Master And Margarita. Jagger was a fan.

  3. Haven't posted on Blogger in awhile. Forgot about hyperlinks.

    Master And Margarita
