
Monday, November 6, 2017

The Tribal Instinct

And the Path of the Taboo Man

The entire edifice of Modernity is raised upon the over-civilized assumption that tribalism is not natural, but rather an imposed state, and that left to their own degenerate devices people will not form tribes or begin developing neo-tribal associations.

Essentially, the doctrine of multiculturalism is an atheist perversion of the Christian concept of The Universal Church, a concept not proposed by Jesus but enacted by Paul [classics scholar Michael Grant, reading in the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, searched the Gospels for a declaration by Jesus that his teachings were for non-Jews as well as Jews and found ZERO], which, according to Evola may have had Mithraic origins, and according to some Gnostic writers grew out of the pan-Hellenic doctrine of syncretism, cultivated in Ptolemaic Egypt.

What we have above is three competing theories at odds with Christian belief, that propose that the world at the time of Jesus was gravitating towards Universalist lines of thinking. Indeed, a fifth such Universalist trend [as I will respect the Christian argument, despite Grant’s work, since I have not seen any peer review of it] was Rome, the dominant force in the world at the time, an expansionist warrior nation designed to conquer tribal nations, erase their culture and adopt the inhabitants into the Roman cult or sell them as slaves.

In any case, what we had by the time Rome fell, was five competing visions of the world which believed in erasing tribal boundaries in favor of a universal ethos. Yet the Empire and its successor states were felled by, divided by, succeeded by and eventually devolved into tribal polities of the most ethnically militant sort.

Might this same trend be rising at the nadir of the Industrial Age?

Might the Information Age be facilitating rather than negating tribalism, with groups such as The Wolves of Vinland having propagated largely online to form solid physical neo-tribal identities?

Or might there be something even more ancient that accounts for the rise of tens of thousands federally identified gangs in the United States alone, just as the world is being driven by its masters into a cultural and genetic monocrop of human livestock?

According to the 2015 FBI National Gang Report (pdf link), "There are approximately 1.4 million active street, prison, and OMG [Outlaw Motorcycle Gang] gang members comprising more than 33,000 gangs in the United States."

300 of these are 1% Motor Cycle Clubs, essential nomad tribes.

Checkout the pictures at the link below to discover that the sexiest women are into tribally identified men.

Bikers of America

I would also count the law enforcement agencies as gangs, since they are all involved in ongoing criminal enterprises, and would be subject to the RICO statute if not allied with its enforcers.

So, just as with the fall of the ancient syncretic super-state founded by Alexander, the extra-tribal Roman super-state, Catholic Christendom and now the London-Washington D.C. global axis of nation-negating power, America, like all of these other social organism which have aspired to rise above tribalism, is being torn by internal and increasingly tribal, cultural division.

-Hellenism in the late 200s B.C.
-Roma in the late 200 A.D.
-Christendom in from Wyclif [1300] to Calvin [1564]

All of these suffered simultaneous division across ethnic lines and invasion from more tribally conscious forces.

Can we be that much different, to avoid that fate?

Should that fate be avoided or preferred?

Tribalism in Supermarkets

With all our rulers do to soak-off our tribal proclivities [and my tribal sense has always been very weak as I am a loner type] we have ever blooming tribal self-segregation in the supermarket business among staff, according to department.

Cashiers get along with everybody. They are basically the sex slaves—literally.

Front office staff snubs all except for management to whom they are beholden for getting them off the register.

The scanning department hates everybody and snubs all, including management!

The day clerks and parcel pickup guys are despised by all as the slave class.

Bakery, Produce, Deli and Seafood will associate with one another in a perimeter alliance.

The frozen and dairy clerks are loners, the frozen guy usually hated by all, like a boogieman, as he is generally selected for being antisocial and highly productive.

The receiver is literally the asshole of the store. If he shuts down everyone is in big trouble but no one is enamored with the old creep, trusted as he is by management.

The meat room sees itself as the only tradesmen in the business, above and apart from all, superior to all, higher paid, possessing an actual recognized trade skill.

How bad is this?

I work in a far more friendly store than most, with good Christian owners who refuse to cutback staff in lean times.

I have worked at this grocery store for 7 years and in that process actually do work for every other department because of the nature of refrigerated shipping. I constantly greet kindly, hold the door for and physically help people from every department.

After 7 years most of these employees refuse to acknowledge I am a human being, will look right through me, will turn away when I pick up something they dropped to hand it to them. I continue to help and be courteous to all of these folk out of respect for the people I work for. However, if we were suddenly thrust into civil unrest, I would let most of them die horribly without lifting a finger or raising note of warning. Only the night crew have I bonded with, as we have all worked together in danger, under threat from midnight shoppers and aggressive criminals.

I have been pushing this experiment lately as I exit the work place.

Meat cutters will only acknowledge me if we are alone and they are sure their fellows cannot see them speaking to a taboo night clerk. Only the department managers will speak to me—and the neediest females—although all will turn rude when around coworkers, with the sole exception of Tori, a personal goddess of mine, and Nokia—the Devil’s own succubus come to drag me to hell…

The point of this is that humans have an entire suite of little understood and even denied social instincts, such as:

-slave submission,
-slave maker,
-tribal alignment,
-racial alignment,
-gender alignment,
-age alignment,
-family alignment.

At such times the taboo man, the able outcast, the owner, may work his alliances with the leaders of various factions as I have done at work, shunned by 90 clerks and cutters and embraced either grudgingly or enthusiastically by every leader among them, as I have an extra-factional skill set and am not self-segregating by nature but able to work across social boundaries.

When I leave, meat will thaw out on the dock for want of a bakery man seeing it as his duty to keep meat under refrigeration when no meat man is in the building. Ice cream will turn to sweet milk in the stockroom for want of a grocer to identify frozen food as an area of his allegiance.

Quite literally supermarket managers exist largely to render tribalism functioning, like an ancient king forging highlanders, lowlanders and nobles into one combined arms team, which, in his absence, would become three forces unwilling to consider the battle from any vantage but their own.

Just as in the novel Lord of the Flies, by Golding, when a tribeless world of artificial make is sundered or unmasked, tribes will form as naturally as fallen leaves in autumn cluster in drifts, driven by a force [wind] quite beyond their comprehension.

Masculine Axis: A Meditation on Manhood and Heroism

(c) 2017 James LaFond

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