
Sunday, December 29, 2019

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 102

Happy New Year to all!

The life of a writing hobo genius is not easy.  For God's sake, people, buy some BOOKS.

Book reviews are hard work, learn how to make the most of them for yourself and the author.

Baltimore is setting grim records and good people are stuck in the tar pit.  "No Shoot Zone" explained, courtesy of John Paul Barber, who is next up on the podcast.  FBI stats are not particularly enlightening when you are dealing with dusky violence vectors.

Domestication is a two-way process.  People defending a grain based diet are subject to the plant just as much as the plant is a subject of the farmer.

Learn to relax with the pain of life.  We can talk about the effect of infant mortality and other effects of life expectancy sometime. 

These short sections, with notes, are the perfect way for beginners to read these epic poems

Kids need glue, and someone to horse around with.

Aryans have domesticated the planet, and thereby allow women to rule it... hmmm.

Coaching the cleaving strike for the man who carries a Bowie or similar.

James continues to guide you through the ancient texts.

It's amazing how much James sees in what looks like a blur to me.

Reading anything at all, especially reading LaFond.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 101

Say it with me gang, MERRY CHRISTMAS!  I wish you all joy and blessings, time with loved ones, delicious food, warmth and comfort, with love from your humble editrix and podcastrix, Lynn.

More on what it's like to be a gifted writer.

Impressions of Howard's poetry, of heroes and for heroes.

If you have never read The Aeneid, here is your chance to hear it from James.

Working in the heart of darkness.

The truth about those peace-loving Quakers.

The roles of the Alpha and the Taboo man in Lord of the Rings and more, look for hidden poetry in this piece.

James and c8 have been having a great correspondence, see part 1, part 2.

An interesting aside in the story of James Oglethorpe, his African friend, Job.

Impressions of heroic poetry by the expert.

It's that time of year again, Baltimore setting records for the Murderbowl!

More about the MOST FORBIDDEN.

This is perfect for me, how to train the littles with a knife.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

70 The Pain Scale - Crackpot Podcast

Hello Friends,

Here is a podcast, I hope you like it.  We talked about a bunch of things, recent writing projects, stick-fighting and fighting ill-mannered dogs.

The Crackpot Podcast is produced by Lynn Lockhart, a middle aged mom with strange hobbies and James LaFond, a brilliant writer traveling North America.




0:01:55  James LaFond PDF bookstore
0:06:50  Book of Nightmares
0:08:40  Under an Iron Crown, dreams
0:17:50  The Gauntlet
0:25:30  The Axe
0:34:40  Drunken Agon
0:41:10  Ray Robinson Rocky Graziano
0:44:00  Crackpot Crime evaluation rubric
0:51:30  Habitat Hoodrat
1:06:20  Da PO-LEESE
1:15:50  Chuck Norris rule and dogs

(c) 2019 Lynn Lockhart

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 100

Hello friends!  I am trying really hard to bring you a podcast this week.

I really like these small doses of The Aeneid.

Consult with the Crackpot on designing war games.

95% of the secret to writing like LaFond is just being LaFond, sorry!

The Plantation America business plan goes way back, and up to the present.

Don't count America's most melanated oppressed against the illegal tide.  There are plenty of ADOS who have no love lost for them.

Learn the lore of Reverent Chandler.

I have been accused of being a fed a number of times, myself!

Oglethorpe founded Georgia, but before that he was a proper warrior.

The future is bearing down on Harm County.

The possibilities for red flag laws and other procedural degradations to the second amendment are endless.

Spoiler alert for Moby Dick.

James's poor editor is getting buried under to do lists, but it's all worth it when we get to read the ancients together.

Domestic and feminine arts have been ruined in the global age by industrialization.

If the spreadsheet jockey can train in boxing, you can too.

The material in War Drums is what first brought me to jameslafond dot com.

Truly awful nightmare shared by a reader.

Music from a friend of the LaFondiverse.

(c) 2019 Lynn Lockhart

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Truth in Snow

From Riley, the Marriage Counselor

So, the snow came in Monday night. No surprise to anyone, my Wife said lines were long at the grocer’s. The weather guessers were saying foot and a half and up.

At eleven Monday morning, the concrete saw gnawing through my shop slab bogged down and popped every breaker on the place. Modernity ground to a halt, but the carpenters kept up the game with hammer and chisel.

I wandered the grounds resetting breakers, really trying to remember what move worked the last time (was it years ago?) this happened. The carpenters finished up and I paid them off. They left for town. The sky was dark and spitting frozen rain. I found my small light and went into the basement, past the 24-battery bank to the inverter. There, written below it, was the process to restart the system. Ignition.

I cranked the generator set and charged the battery bank up, and my Wife got home with lots of town stuff related to Thanksgiving. We toasted the storm and settled in for the night.

That was Monday, but this is Thursday. We had the nice dinner and lie about stuffed, but we are still snowed in. It is interesting these days to be immobilized in any way, and it has been a torment to snowshoe out the drive through thigh-deep snow. The drive I blithely walk every day of my life? I’ve managed to slog half way over three days. Tomorrow I’ll bust through to the bottom.

First time on snowshoes in years (again) and a reminder of what great exercise tools they are. A man who snowshoes to work doesn’t need coffee. Meanwhile, my Wife is seriously upset to be snowbound. I do think I’d best pull off some break out soon, lest my rib freak out.

You want to know that woman? You want to get down into her nooks and crannies and all that flat-out private stuff? Put up the lubricant. Just go get snowed in somewhere and pay heed.

Some folks get edgy when they realize the exits are dogged off.


Saturday, December 7, 2019

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 99

Hello friends!

Pretty sure James will never be invited to go on Jocko's podcast.

The future is fiction.

A small dose of epic poetry, with notes.

It feels like people are occupying two entirely different worlds, while interacting with one another.

The Crackpot has an aversion to color coding hominids and his pronunciation of "negro," (still colorizing by the way) as an alternative to "black," has led to some confusion.  The most forbidden n-word is not in his vocabulary, it's not what he said on the episode and he is more strict in this regard than almost anyone I know.  I updated the episode in question to remove any ambiguity.  As you can see in this article, the usual complaint is that he harbors insufficient racism.

I enjoyed James's interview with Oikos Catholic.

Big Ron described this guy on our sadly misrecorded interview.

I have also felt greedy ears, for certain people, at certain times.

Good to hear from you, Mighty Khan!

I would like to discuss this diary entry with James on the podcast.

Be careful who you show your power levels.

This is a great conversation, glad James pulled it out of the comments.

(c) 2019 Lynn Lockhartwee

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 98

Late links, but it's still the weekend!

I hope American readers enjoyed Thanksgiving!

We are supposed to talk decline and fall with Baruch, and here is a timely description of the very thing.

I do not look forward to civil war or transhumanism.  I want to go back.

LaFond's mind holds a map of horrors and a garden of verses.  Readers are missing out if they skip over poetic interludes.

All you women haters have to realize that feminists and lesbians are the only ones still permitted to utter certain truths.

A new media channel that requires your attention!

Coaching notes for guppies who box.

I really love the exploration of the ancients.

Big year for the Murderbowl and expansion team!

Supposedly the Chinese are working on race-specific bioweapons using 23&me data. Spare EDAR and the rest of us are toast.

Stay tuned for Nordic content.

(c) 2019 Lynn Lockhart