
Friday, July 10, 2020

082 Scarecrows & Fake Meat Crackpot Podcast

This podcast is coming to you from January 31.  It includes grocery talk, which you know is my favorite topic.  I don't think we talk much current events, so this one doesn't have as much of a time capsule effect, but it is certainly pre-corona and pre-CWII.

As part of my research on how to be a better podcaster, I once listened to an episode of Red Scare.  Two smart, medicated millennial girls smoke cigarettes and discuss celebrities, social media and plastic surgery after reading an essay published in the New Yorker or some other important outlet.  They are socialists (they live in NYC) but not feminists.  From what I heard, there can be no overlap whatsoever between the Crackpot Podcast and the Red Scare Podcast, allowing of course, for Crackpot listeners who might find the young ladies attractive and wish to give them money.  However, James addresses this in today's pod and encourages such men to unsubscribe from the Crackpot.

The Crackpot Podcast features twenty-first century prophet James LaFond and homeschooling mom Lynn Lockhart.

Here is the link for Under an Iron Crown, please buy it:


I got tired of waiting for this to process:


0:02:00  Red Scare evaluation
0:07:40  Under an Iron Crown
0:11:45  Body types, lard assess vs bodybuilders
0:15:04  Under an Iron Crown, Robert E. Howard
0:24:40  Plantation America, Wales, Cornwall
0:31:22  Plantation America, Scots
0:37:10  Old Bay Seasoning, plant based imitation meat

(c) 2020 Lynn Lockhart


  1. What is the itrto song? I couldm't find it via jewish-controlled search engines.

    1. They are Citizen Noise Exchange, now defunct, but you can find a few of their songs on SoundCloud.
