
Saturday, July 18, 2020

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 119

Some links for you!

I'm looking forward to preparing this one for publication.

We really all need to learn this deviltry, and fast.

I agree with this, Democracy is Satanic.

Employment arrangements at sea were among the worst in history.

A police officer tells you, please believe him, the higher ups are in perfect agreement with the rioters.

The cell phone music feels like an invitation to ask them to be quiet, I always decline.

The posture absolutely does affect the mind.

All out war between China and India is just what 2020 needs.  Nice to hear from JB!

I liked the poem, especially the happy ending.

I've been meaning to try salt & vinegar pork rinds.
Most everything important you do will have to be in secret.

I think we are all losing our physiognomy skills

Everybody needs to be on alert, all the time, everywhere.  We all live in Baltimore now.

2020, the year the Grey God awakened.

These stories still shock me, though I know they shouldn't.  What do you think will become of rural police?  I think they will be colonized by criminal justice graduates like this girl through student loan forgiveness schemes.


I highly recommend Joel Salatin for those interested in alt-farming.

I hate these videos and there are hundreds, hundreds of them.

I like the new "agave" designator.

August beginnings for Stonewall!

As we proceed into a new era of America it is comforting to look back on the ancients and see some parallels.

Contemplating a non-violent response.

Lots of good thoughts and strategies here, please read this one.  Same with this one, solid advice.  Little girls are not much different from little boys but that difference grows constantly.  Both need dads.

Candace Owen and all her friends are of no use whatsoever, there only purpose is to placate palefaces who are averse to being thought racist.  You are racist, get used it, embrace it!

Are you ready for a nomadic lifestyle?

These guys are loose in Portland right now!

Michael Tracey is doing a great job.

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