
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

083 Dagda If You Want Not to Get Ate Crackpot Podcast

Hello everyone! 

We are getting near the end of the backlog.  Months ago, eons ago, really, we spoke with Mr. American Dagda, who called in from somewhere in Appalachia.  He had the bad manners to show up on the screen with better hair than me and a more robust beard than the Crackpot's but was otherwise delightful to speak with, telling us about his experiences on both sides of blade violence and his and his family's search for identity in the American empire's boiling pot of globohomo erasure.  

The Crackpot Podcast features traveling writer James LaFond and homeschooling maven Lynn Lockhart.

Mr. Dagda has provided the following addendum for me to share with you:

I was progressively inebriated throughout this conversation so let this be a guide to my more than likely progressively incoherent thoughts.

I tried off and on to add some context to my experience with a little background but if my shoddy memory’s worth anything, it was more of a garbled mess.  I am not what you’d probably consider a true ruralite.  While most of my kin still live out in the sticks, my parents followed the urgings of their own to get a proper education and make a better life for themselves, and to that end became proper professionals and properly suburban.  I, in turn, went through the city public school system with all of its diverse joys.  So a city school-day, house in the burbs, and weekends in the hills.  After a long sojourn of mayhem and misery amongst the “white trash” urban underclass I’ve spent the past 10 years running back towards those hills.  I suppose I am at least an American Cultural Mongrel.

My point on the ridiculousness of white unity, without rehashing two thousand years of internal European predation which frankly should be enough, can be summed up as it’s just not realistic.  I mentioned as an example that recent genetic testing in Britain revealed clusters that don’t reflect a big blended mass of people or even modern nation states but the boundaries of 7th century kingdoms.  They live on an island the size of Kansas and the English, Scottish, and Welsh aren’t even just the English, Scottish, and Welsh but a dozen smaller ethnic groups.  Ethnic groups that took a thousand years to forge into a nation and that should reasonably have their own interests at heart.  And you want to talk about how the Irish, Spanish, Greeks, and Finns (or their diaspora) need to find common cause?  I’ve got my hands full looking after my own thanks.

To elaborate a bit more on my first encounter with a blade, I was happy to oblige when the fella I’d squared off with wanted to just close and start trading blows, so I was neither in the position or frame of mind to see the knife when it came out.  It was a short underhand thrust that through and throughed me in the meat over top of my ribs on my left hand side.  I grabbed him on reflex, he lost his grip on the blade, we both lost our footing, and we went to the ground.  Being larger for once, on top, and probably experiencing the panicked rage of the wounded animal, I took the ground exchange, found my feet, and whipped the piss out of him with a 2 ft section of towing chain I used to pack around.  By the time I was done everybody else involved had either had or given whatever they were up for and both groups just sort of limped off to lick their wounds.  I was lucky, I learned my lesson, and I never got caught out without an edge of my own again.

Now for letting that nerd flag fly.  If you need a reason to engage in a bit of harmless fun in the real world with real people you might even know and like instead of tuning in and tuning out or having pissing matches on Twitter consider the following.  Whatever system suits your fancy, wargaming is an opportunity to practice a little tactical and strategic level thinking.  That can hardly hurt the ways things are going.  And roleplaying is simply an exercise in communal storytelling.  Ya know, one of those things people did before technicolor and a wifi connection to pass the time.

I know my less than stellar opinion on an armed rebellion happening anytime soon is gonna ruffle some feathers but I just ain’t seeing it folks.  The long march is over and your enemies are in power.  We know where this is headed so how much more they gotta do to you?  The counter revolution ain’t coming.  I say remove yourselves from the seats of power, learn a little self sufficiency, keep your head down, educate your children quietly, and wait for this trainwreck to tip off into the gorge under the weight of its own degeneracy.

Finally, discovering or reconnecting with a tradition.  It occurs to me that at some point towards the end I hold up a series of books to the camera for the sole benefit of Lynn and James while the audience gets to sit around and wonder what in the hell I’m on about so let’s try to remedy that.  Perhaps you could start with an archeological study of your peoples material culture in the New World such as Terry Bychov’s The Upland South.  Or an ethnography compiled at the turn of the last century by an enamored missionary like John Campbell’s Southern Highlander.  Maybe a collaborative effort to trace your musical roots such as Wayfaring Strangers by Ritchie & Orr.

If you want to trace a deeper history you could possibly try something like The Faded Map: Lost Kingdoms of Scotland by Alistair Moffat.  Maybe you have an interest in the literary history of your progenitors like the Welsh Bardic tradition compiled in The Four Books of Wales by William Skene.  Or just possibly you’ve wondered how your ancestors governed themselves as you’d find in The Brehon Laws by Laurence Ginnell.  Your inheritance awaits you if you’re willing to find and gather up the broken pieces.




Time stamps
0:03:45  How did Dagda find James?
0:06:50  The Logic of Steel (Violence Project), stabbing stories
0:20:15  White solidarity
0:33:25  Globo-homo in the AA population
0:42:55  Lesbian fireworks, more grocery
0:49:30  Become a manager??
1:03:15  War games, role playing games
1:17:40  Mom content
1:23:30  Demonstrations back in January, what a difference six months make!
1:47:30  Languages
Closing music by Aislinn, not exactly Welsh, but very nice

(c) Lynn Lockhart, the foresaken year of 2020

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 119

Some links for you!

I'm looking forward to preparing this one for publication.

We really all need to learn this deviltry, and fast.

I agree with this, Democracy is Satanic.

Employment arrangements at sea were among the worst in history.

A police officer tells you, please believe him, the higher ups are in perfect agreement with the rioters.

The cell phone music feels like an invitation to ask them to be quiet, I always decline.

The posture absolutely does affect the mind.

All out war between China and India is just what 2020 needs.  Nice to hear from JB!

I liked the poem, especially the happy ending.

I've been meaning to try salt & vinegar pork rinds.
Most everything important you do will have to be in secret.

I think we are all losing our physiognomy skills

Everybody needs to be on alert, all the time, everywhere.  We all live in Baltimore now.

2020, the year the Grey God awakened.

These stories still shock me, though I know they shouldn't.  What do you think will become of rural police?  I think they will be colonized by criminal justice graduates like this girl through student loan forgiveness schemes.


I highly recommend Joel Salatin for those interested in alt-farming.

I hate these videos and there are hundreds, hundreds of them.

I like the new "agave" designator.

August beginnings for Stonewall!

As we proceed into a new era of America it is comforting to look back on the ancients and see some parallels.

Contemplating a non-violent response.

Lots of good thoughts and strategies here, please read this one.  Same with this one, solid advice.  Little girls are not much different from little boys but that difference grows constantly.  Both need dads.

Candace Owen and all her friends are of no use whatsoever, there only purpose is to placate palefaces who are averse to being thought racist.  You are racist, get used it, embrace it!

Are you ready for a nomadic lifestyle?

These guys are loose in Portland right now!

Michael Tracey is doing a great job.

Friday, July 10, 2020

082 Scarecrows & Fake Meat Crackpot Podcast

This podcast is coming to you from January 31.  It includes grocery talk, which you know is my favorite topic.  I don't think we talk much current events, so this one doesn't have as much of a time capsule effect, but it is certainly pre-corona and pre-CWII.

As part of my research on how to be a better podcaster, I once listened to an episode of Red Scare.  Two smart, medicated millennial girls smoke cigarettes and discuss celebrities, social media and plastic surgery after reading an essay published in the New Yorker or some other important outlet.  They are socialists (they live in NYC) but not feminists.  From what I heard, there can be no overlap whatsoever between the Crackpot Podcast and the Red Scare Podcast, allowing of course, for Crackpot listeners who might find the young ladies attractive and wish to give them money.  However, James addresses this in today's pod and encourages such men to unsubscribe from the Crackpot.

The Crackpot Podcast features twenty-first century prophet James LaFond and homeschooling mom Lynn Lockhart.

Here is the link for Under an Iron Crown, please buy it:


I got tired of waiting for this to process:


0:02:00  Red Scare evaluation
0:07:40  Under an Iron Crown
0:11:45  Body types, lard assess vs bodybuilders
0:15:04  Under an Iron Crown, Robert E. Howard
0:24:40  Plantation America, Wales, Cornwall
0:31:22  Plantation America, Scots
0:37:10  Old Bay Seasoning, plant based imitation meat

(c) 2020 Lynn Lockhart

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 118

I have been busy, but haven't forgotten about you.

Vigilance is a sin because modern dogmas are disproved when people use their own faculties of observation.

Novel dangers cause mass reactions in late empire Baltimore.

Retail establishments now have to pay people to clean stuff so they have reduced hours.

Palefaces need a bare minimum understanding of blaques to survive.

He's got ears like a bat.

Less than $5 is cheap for intelligence like that.

You can't ever completely trust a historian whose identity doesn't include at least a hint of the warrior, because history and historical literature are mostly about wars.

Guns are great, but you need to understand the legal and social reality.

Those with sensitive minds should be careful of the fiction they read.

We are all marks, and the sooner each of you realizes it, the better.

The trope of the lost heir is one I'd like to discuss with the author, if and when we ever get to podcasting again.

What came to be known as the "shy Trump voter" is even more persecuted and retreating than four years ago, whether they are still Trump voters remains to be seen.

Everyone's hometown has been ruined, no need to rub it in.

We at Crackpot Industries do not always hate dogs.

What about mopeds?  My neighborhood has at least one guy who passes on an electrified skateboard, quick and pretty quiet, but needs a smooth road.

I spent my kids' toddler years placing them in the open trunk of the car while I unloaded groceries and stowed the cart, terrified that they'd get hurt in the parking lot.

Echoes of 2017, and the response that we must accept, though we loathe it.

Way to go, Little Ron!

If you miss the Crackpot, here is a new video channel for you!