Saturday, October 6, 2018

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 44

James reviews the incredible story of a Southern warrior.

Luther tells us about making himself at home in lockup.

Modern Agonistics lives on, these fellows are fighting with hatchets and knives!

The story of James', Bran's and others' youths is one of groping for a substitute for the family, community, and rituals absent from American mass society.

James' take on HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts), with very good comments from Jeremy.

Illegal aliens are cheaper for employers than slaves were, because this time around, the rest of us are picking up the slack for medical care, food, housing and education. Injured aliens do not disappear into the desert mist, they enter your local ER. Their children suck up and degrade public school resources. They bring criminality, though not as much per capita as the last round of cheap laborers commit. Lynn's answer: cheap labor destroys society, it has happened many times, it's happening right now.

Grocery store politics are about the same as office politics.

Look, everyone likes indoor plumbing, plentiful food, and so on, but the trajectory of "civilization" is not good.

James is back in Harm City mode, giving the update on Murderbowl 2018 and predicting the future of mid-Atlantic urban violence.

We are learning there is more to slavery and human trafficking than Africans in shackles.

Baseball is a great case study of how corporatism and scale destroy fine institutions before our very eyes, with most people failing to notice anything amiss.

Toker doesn't see color when applying an aluminum baseball bat.

T. Spoone Slickens (I think) is here to speak out for Bill Cosby.

A movie review by James and one by Nick Mason, Hold the Dark.

Nobody tell my mother that Alex Jones is Bill Hicks, please, I am begging you.

Your upscale neighborhoods are not safe.

If you people would buy more books, James could eat more animal protein!

America needs 1,000 Pinochets, 1,000 Lee Kwan Yews, instead we have Catherine Pugh. Truly, Baltimore's level of gang control and police corruption is outstanding, as witnesses are committing suicide left and right, never making it to trial, and gun battles are fought on camera, in broad daylight.

The Khan's appearance on the Crackpot Podcast has given rise to another question.

You can see James' books in the BOOKSTOREbut they are rapidly falling to the censor's hammer.  Now some -banking- troubles have held up his royalty payments.  

Many fine titles are available as pdf books through his main website.

Support James in his Plantation America work by becoming a Patron, or donate straight to the man through Paypal, because you love James and his work.

(c) 2018 Lynn Lockhart

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