Sunday, August 18, 2019


Reading from the 175 pages 8 ½ by 11 manuscript of 68,717 words

Manticore Press, 2019

“It will be “zombie” enough until the full zombie emerges from the lab of some bored genetic engineering PhD student with mental health issues.”

The quote above is an excellent early example of the author’s sardonic humor.

The following quote is an example of his insightful view of modernity.

“With the “death of God,” that is, secularisation and the loss of the social significance of the transcendent in the life of the West, only consumer affluence and materialism function as social glues, holding the whole experiment of multiracial/multicultural modernity and postmodernity together.”

The four-chapter structure of Zombie Apocalypse Now is crowned with a savagely articulate measure of reality in the form of a take-it or bleed-out blackpill. This advice is introduced through the very entertaining medium of Post-Apocalyptic movie reviews, making it accessible to the possibly exospective media drone, beginning with:

Many of the political Left have expressed opposition to survivalist ideas and its core philosophy, even while accepting that a collapse of techno-industrial civilization is coming. American ecological writer and former Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America, John Michael Greer, has been critical of survivalism in his books The Long Descent: A User’s Guide to the End of the Industrial Age and The Ecotechnic Future: Envisioning a Post-Peak World and other writings.”

The author makes no bones about the fact that the cultural Left and Right are both only woke to particular aspects of societal collapse and that individual- or family-level preparations for surviving emergencies are actually regarded as unethical and near lunatic by most modern authorities, with numerous media resources for charting collapse and bug out locations.

If you have dependent non-combatants and even if you plain don’t give a shit and want to stack up more zombie twats than the next deplorable, Zombie Apocalypse Now is a must read.

Zombie Apocalypse Now is at once entertaining reading, searing dissent from the bleating of the post-human fold and an extensively footnoted record of current conditions placed against former historical outcomes of the kind that human authors have very rarely produced, especially as the corruption of men and the ever-encroaching darkness of the void have come into conjunction in end-of-empire phases of the human condition.  

(c) 2019 James LaFond

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