Friday, September 21, 2018

Lockhart's Top LaFonds volume 42

James is on the train headed for Harm City, so his main site won't be updated for a few days.  Here are your weekend links!

This is a good framework for IQ, but James is undoubtedly a genius.

Look for Crackpot Industries to introduce a line of handcrafted items which should never be used against innocent, unarmed youth.

So you're saying The Filthy Few will include adult content?

High country foraging by the numbers.

Nero explains more about Southeast Asia.

I hope James is wrong, but it's not the way to bet.

Life is getting harder for fans of the blade, and a (satirical) message to those monitoring these accounts.

Something to try if you are really hardup for a drink.

The recent actions of censorship of self published authors is no doubt related to Amazon's corporate reorganization.  Whatever independence existed in the CreateSpace subsidiary is being systematically removed.

Fight review: Gypsy Fight 2013, Smith v Mason.

A video entry for Logic of Steel.

White Indians is going to be a huge book, there were a lot of them and they had lots of adventures.

A day in the life of a writer, plus influences and more.

Buy a book, many fine titles are available as pdf books through his main website.

You can buy James' books through Amazonbut they are rapidly falling to the censor's hammer.  Now some -banking- troubles have held up his royalty payments.  

We are slowly working on Amazon alternatives but in the meantime, support James by becoming a Patron, or donate straight to the man through Paypal, because you love James and his work.

(c) 2018 Lynn Lockhart

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