Wednesday, March 11, 2020

‘Why Is Our Identity So Weak?’

Crackpot Phonebooth: James LaFond and Mister Grey Discuss Ethnic Negation [written on 11/6/19]

“Okay, yes, the best guys you know might be Christians. However, as you have pointed out very precisely, atheism, the scrub brush of negation—negation of tribe, culture, race, everything—comes from Christianity, is it’s natural evolution, the logical result. How much of our past identity was stolen by this desert religion, worshipping some Middle Eastern god? I’m inclined to lay the lion’s share of blame at the feet of their, as you say, hanged god.”
-Mister Grey

* * *

Okay, atheism, the BELIEF THAT THERE IS AND CAN BE NO HIGHER CONSCIOUS POWER THAN HUMANITY, has, as far as I can determine, only occurred via three processes:
-in the Hellenistic Age, as an aspect of cultural ennui in the 200s B.C., providing a purely western precursor  
-among a Middle Eastern people who had their temple destroyed and their nation erased
-among early Modern Christians, overwhelmingly protestants, whose doctrines were deterministically negating of cultural legacy in an attempt to purify a degenerate Catholicism

To understand Protestantism we must understand Catholicism, as protestant or “purified” Christianity had no other source other than that.

Catholicism emerged from an almost 400-year fusion of the following, in order of inclusion:

-1. Judaic heresy, the life and teachings and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

-2. Hellenistic [recovering from a negating flirtation with atheism hundreds of years old] mystery religions, syncretized with Hellenic, Egyptian and Middle Eastern traditions.

-3. Traditional Aryan ancestor/sky god “Olympian” mythology via Hellenic folklore such as virgin birth doctrine and ascension.

-4. Sacral philosophy, specifically the Socratic [body-taking] legacy of intellectual martyrdom.
-5. Roman citizenship, or universal, supra-ethnic, sacral-state worship of systemic integrity, or the idea of social purity and privilege stemming from only membership, loyalty and political correctness.

The explicit and implicit goal of Protestantism was to remove accretions 2, 3 and 4 from Catholicism in an attempt to become the proper metaphysical inheritors of the ancient Israelites, while maintaining the extra-national, supra-ethnic, race-negating cult of mass belonging that was pioneered by ancient Rome when citizenship was extended beyond Italic folk. Various denominations and doctrines clung to some specific aspects of 2, 3 and 4, particularly virgin birth, resurrection and ascension—items that would be on the atheistic chopping block in mid and late modernity. Only those sects which embraced the Roman model of exceeding cultural, national, ethnic and tribal identity enjoyed the economics of scale such that permitted them to survive as institutions.

This process results in a very often non-spiritual ethical system which has resulted from a concerted attempt at purging mythological elements that do not bear directly on the figure of Jesus Christ. Christians reading this are probably already inserting “prosperity gospel” denominations. The thing with Christianity is it maintains the ability to purge itself of accretions and materialism through regeneration. So, as a faith, especially since one considers that most people who believe themselves to be Christians are not Christians according to the doctrine of other Christians, we are less able to paint with a broad brush here than with any other faith I have investigated.  Some strands of Christianity are specifically resistant to the Levantine pull into materialism—indeed some strands of that root religion are resistant to its negative elements.  

Sure, the root religion has resulted in atheism as rabid as its Christian stepchild. However, evidence for atheism as a potential expression of cultural decay and negation predated the formation of this religion, which was, by the Early Romans, regarded as an atheistic cult, due to its negating doctrines that there was only one specific God.

Under modern conditions, the need to scale up and expand with an expanding population seems to have fed the ancient Roman impulse to culturally negate in favor of the social advantage embedded in universality. Note that Catholicism means nothing but that and Protestantism, with its expansive notion of universality is nothing if not a purified version of universal suffrage of souls under one God.    

Other than the selective and general eradication of non-Judaic and non-civic elements, I would select the tradition of the Christian name as the most negating aspect, as names such as I carry have no meaning to us, come from a different, race, continent and language and are mere labels.

There is also the aspect that, in Christianity, holy lands are ever elsewhere, that there is no sacred ancestral land. This is clutch, in that all traditional peoples have as their holy land the place of their ancestral birth, conquest or transformation. But a Christian holds some other folk’s land sacred. A Latvian Christian’s sacred land is in the Middle East, as is an Alaskan Christian’s sacred land—elsewhere, ever elsewhere. Therefore, by unmeaning name and lack of accessible sacred space, the Christian is fated to have a weak immediate identity, for which he is granted an eternal one beyond this world.

I still see these five aspects of negation as secondary to the Roman legacy of supra-racial, extra-geographic, post-tribal “identity,” now the most debased and inflated identity currency in human history, corrosive in its most toxic forms:

-White, the identity of ancestral economic privilege

-Political Correctness, the identity of submission for inclusion’s sake

…both of which grew out of Romanized Christian identity.

The process above, in its toxic polarity, swallows on one hand all notions of European and American identity and on the other supersedes those biological and geographic forms of human identity which have not yet been painted white. Some Christians have avoided sinking into the pits of the two macro-identities even as the major denominations compete with each other for government money in a mania to replace their own members with Muslims and Catholics. Thus, along with political correctness and global economics, population replacement raises the specter of Rome, as carried forward in Time by Christianity and resurrected deliberately by the Founding Fathers.

So, for my money, Christianity is a vehicle of negation in service to temporal power in the name of eternal peace, not the cause. The cause seems simple—a thirst for power crushing the need for belonging.
(c) 2020 James LaFond

1 comment:

  1. Brave. Or suicidal. I can appreciate either.Folks want tradition in uncertain times but universalism doesn't work with boundaries.Cake and eat it too as they say.
