Sunday, January 3, 2021

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 127

 Happy New Year, LaFondians!  Crackpot Industries had a banner year!  Well, the Crackpot got a lot of work done, completing 37 books, but the Editrix slipped to a 25% work rate, publishing only 9 books for the year.  We set aside regular podcasting to focus on Plantation America for Patreon and publishing hardcover books.  The virus disrupted life for both of us, but we have adapted and will continue to do so and hope the same for you.  Posting on the main site,, is changing going forward, so instead of summary posts like this one, look for new posts here, including Robert E. Howard reviews, fiction, and more.  

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and good luck and health to all readers of good will!

The anecdote about me is true and so are the horrors described that continue to this day.

Do you have a personal brand?

Play word games!

Stop reading or watching movies about WWII.  Lots of other big brain stuff there too.  Can't get away from WWII!

More bootleg LaFonds are available. How God Saved MarsAfterdarkRandy Bracken Goes to HelSoliloquyWytchfinder.  The South American River finds new ways to be odious.  Trouble with poorly paid and trained censors.

I can't easily judge the happiness of others and never assume that the average suburban dad is living a hollow life. But Lynn T. isn't an average suburban man. If he felt good about the big sale, I suppose it would show in the vid, and it doesn't.

Everyone over the age of 10 or so should always carry a knife.  Among my social group, very few do, and they are wonderfully impressed when I produce it at a time of need.  Some more ideas to prepare.

Ranking pugilists.

Grizzly bears and pigs are both omnivores.

People watching in the Denver train station.

Slavers have been kidnapping English children for centuries and working and abusing them to death.  

Writing biographies is one of LaFond's special talents.  "Flood" is shaping up to be one of the best.  Part 10 and Part 11 takes a turn!

The message the RWBB community does not want to hear.

Don't miss the comments on this Taboo piece.

I think everyone underestimates how much American Christianity is based on the social primacy of commerce and wealth accumulation, so much so that the theology is reversed engineered to fit.

The King James Version has had the most impact on the language and culture of the West.

James, just so you know, this is basically a boutique twitter experience.

Troubling signs to look out for.

Oh no, what are we getting into...?

James, you are just trying to shirk responsibility for your ne*gro*es.

If you can view someone's beliefs or practices as abhorrent, but contend that it is good to engage in commerce with them, you might be an American.

So much of medicine is butchery, even when it saves your life, but a serious portion is quite malicious and it turns my stomach.

Exceptions that prove the rule in Japan.

Dialogues with Anglospherians.

We're all running out the clock on this tumultuous year.

The bug future that approaches inexorably.

Just remember to carry a ball and mitt, too.  This is not advice at all, just hypothesizing for entertainment purposes.

The Ghetto Grocer and his razors.

The governmental-religious regime we live under is quite tyrannical, self contradictory, ahistorical and unpleasant.

At my old job everyone who quit got a huge party.  It was universally agreed that leaving that job would be one of the best days of your life.

I love when people tell me the CIA is not allowed to conduct domestic operations, then I get to show them the wiki page on domestic CIA operations.

A very kind review of Stupid-Time, available now!

In 2021 we are bringing back pulp, try some Edgar Rice Burroughs.

This is very kind of you, James, thank you.  I only ever wanted to make it easier for you to write, given the constraints.  I never expected a payoff when I began insinuating myself into your writing career but maybe we'll both get the bag!

If we ever do another pod with just me and James we really need to talk about Samson.

Some fun videos.

Don't miss the comments here.  One thing about social media is that some facts on the ground do leak out in real time.  Watching the subsequent historification of events by the official media really brings home the possibility that most everything we are taught in history is a motivated narrative.

Stephen King is a disgusting person and I've never read a single book of his.

Friendships are rare for all of us.  I feel this very intensely at times.

The hard right is divided on the virus.  Many of us raised the alarm very early, watched what was happening in Wuhan and Italy and predicted what would happen here.  As more information became available, we adjusted our views.  This is hard for some people to accept.  LaFond's work in reading and interpreting that which is unreadable to mere mortals is truly heroic and thankless labor.  

Things to look out for, ugh!

I think "feds" are everywhere, some of them on govt payroll, some unwitting idiots enforcing social norms, some who will sell you out the moment there is pressure or profit available.  We all need to be careful, maybe even paranoid, and find ways to enjoy life and activities anyways.

LaFond once read Reason Magazine????!!!!  James, in failing to conform to social expectations, despite the proven ability to do so, you have inspired and blessed people around the world.

1 comment:

  1. Lynn, thank you so much for this review. For the record I liked Liberty more than Reason. Making money as a non-violent religion was much more appealing in 1988 than losing money in 2021 as the current violent state religion.
