Monday, June 12, 2017

A Captive Woman's Gall


A little while back, you linked to Kevin Michael Grace's interview of a fellow with the handle "Jay Fivekiller." From listening to the interview, one can gather that J-5 is something of a neighbor of mine, in the San Francisco metro area. You included the following comment, which has caused me to stew since then, since I am also guilty of using a pseudonym:

"Like it or not, Jay Fivekiller and other anonymous Alt-Righters do not value their opinion as highly as whatever money they are making. "

This is particularly galling for me, because I don't even make any money, and I hardly express any opinions here, I mostly just ask you questions!

Then recently, ten once-and-future privileged oppressors had their admissions to Harvard rescinded for posting inappropriate memes in what they thought was a private facebook page. This quote had me rolling around laughing:

"Harvard does not comment on individual applicants’ admission statuses, but incoming students are explicitly told upon receiving an offer that behavior that brings into question their moral character can jeopardize their admission."

There are many other examples, notably Brendan Eich, who created a major software language, was fired from his post as CEO of Mozilla when it was leaked that he donated to support traditional marriage.

James, the persecution is real, and many of us in the bourgeoisie are barely hanging on, even with six figure salaries. It takes a lot of courage to write under your own name, as you do, and it is no small thing to structure your life in such a way that neither your livelihood nor your loved ones can be taken hostage.


Lynn, my statement as to the men who write under pen names stands, they care more about remaining in the bosom of their beloved and wrathful God of Things than they do about their convictions, ideals--their souls.

However, you are not a man, but a woman, so you get a pass.

The use of the pen name to protect women in the male-dominated realm of the published word is at least as old as Mary Shelly and her Modern Prometheus. I suspect, though that females assuming a protective identity [for instance Einstein not having done his own work, but depending on his wife] goes as far back as The Odyssey, which is attributed to Homer, but which I and other readers suspect might have been composed by a woman, perhaps his daughter.

Marriage, for instance, has often cloaked a woman's identity in the protection of her husband's identity. When I moved to Baltimore and interviewed for a supermarket job, the person who hired me, Miss Betty, broke a long-standing agreement with her husband, that they hired their own gender only. He was quite offended that she hired me and gave me a hard way to go. She, however, reminded him that, "this is my business Leonard--you're the picture on the box, I'm the cereal." Mister Len was strictly relegated to handling the money and being the male face of the business while his wife ran the show.

This is just one example.

Another exemption from my scathing critique is the family man, like Ishmael, Shayne, Mescaline, and so many others who have vulnerable family who are in business, or raising small children, who need to be sheltered from the social war by people who take the pre-doxed stance that I, Jack Donovan, Greg Johnson, and other people who write and publish under their own name, do.

This is how men behave tribally. Certain men will paint the bulls-eye on themselves and carry on the discourse, suffer the alienation, etc., while their supporters secretly agree, slip them resources, and bide their time while they try to raise children who will not become sucked into the vortex of evil. This is--tribally speaking--a shamanic role, placing ones self outside the social construct and off the hierarchical path, in order to be able to express a dissenting view. Unknown to many, people in power, even those who pursue evil, value this function as a progress marker and don't seek to wipe out a dissenter who is not on the hierarchical-economic track.

I have been told by many readers that they support me because I speak for them where they would be destroyed or put out of work for expressing an honest opinion.

My slave girl won't even let her children know my last name for fear she would be ostracized for associating with such a fiend as I.

My older son is a mechanic, in a trade, and immune to his association with me.

My younger son has long wanted to be a CEO or CFO of a large company. We decided that he should begin writing grant letters for college claiming poverty by insanity, as his father had quit a management job to become a science-fiction novelist. He started his public separation from my opinion at age 18. He even discusses me with his coworkers, who seem to regard me as some sort of Neanderthal ho-macking, demi-god. Basically, even in a corporate environment he has been honest with his associates and the men above him in stating that, "my dad is essentially crazy, still fights young jocks, takes the bus in Baltimore city, grosses less annually than I pay in taxes in the first quarter, but is a lot of fun and can kick just about all my friends' asses... I have absolutely no desire to be like him, but he's a great guy to have around and gives me great advice on soft skills that he learned managing a workplace full of ex-convicts."

So, Lynn, for people like Jayfivekiller, Paul Kersey, Zman and the various authors I used to follow at Return of Kings and Eradic, who write under pen names, I suspect, that when the rubber hits the road, they will fold and denounce themselves and their fellows, because this society has effectively emasculated them in the crucible of comfort that is Modernity. This is the normal state for a woman, who must denounce her man to save her children.

An example comes from a Tennessee settlement in the 1700s, which was under siege by a superior Indian force. The wives of the few remaining men told their husbands to leave. If the men stayed and fought the outcome would be the same, they would become Indian wives and their children would be raised as Indians. they wanted to be spared seeing their husbands killed and did hold out hope that their husbands might eventually mount a raid to get them back or even raise a ransom. They were confident that the largely white Indians would treat them and their children well and knew that there would be a horrible end for their men. Women have had to function like this through all of our formative ages and it is ingrained. Continue to protect yourself, Lynn, it is what a woman living under enemy occupation or in captivity does.

Thanks for expressing your gall, Lynn.


P.S. People in my position who have stepped beyond the pale, do not wish to see our supporters targeted. I would rather be attacked by antifa faggots than have one of my readers doxed.

(c) 2017 James LaFond & Lynn Lockhart


  1. I can't think of anyone pseudonymous on the Alt-Right who's been doxxed and folded. It happened to a The Right Stuff guy and he remained defiant.

    Count me as one of those who, though well beyond the pale personally, uses a pseudonym for family's sake, and also as a matter of style. There is often more truth in a nickname than a name, and I do not hide my face.

    1. Thanks, Koanic. I think we have now observed that the left is going after its own (some bald popstar was crying on video about cultural appropriation?) and apologies do nothing to appease their fury.
