Sunday, March 25, 2018

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 17

James appeared on the Fatherland Podcast, discussing child-rearing, boxing and other arts for self-defense, urban blight and gentrification and much more.

Conan of the suburbs is performing nighttime reconnaissance.

The Checkered Demon liked at least one Yankee.

Divorce and video games, two ways to harm boys.

What's so bad about the Culinary Institute of America, James?  Do you have something against fine dining?

It's a good idea to learn about pre-Columbian people, because we are now the pre-Columbians.

Proof that the Drunken Agon is more than a legend, it really happened!

Interesting discussion on Ancient Greece between James and Teutonic Fist.

Global warming and wild dogs.

Not surprising, James admires a man nicknamed "White Devil."

Jeremy Bentham bids farewell to Professor Speak&Spell.

Advice on canine opponents, with a follow up from LaMano, and another from Carbon Mike.

Boxing analysis:  Holmes vs Butterbean

Advice in light of muggings and sexual assaults in a small town.

Instructions on the proper handling of an innocent and inquisitive youth who enters your home uninvited.

Surfing the wave of suburban colonization, cane in hand.

Learn about James' dark vision of the demasculinized future through his fiction.

Buy James' books through Amazonpdf books through his main website, become a Patron, or donate straight to the man through Paypal, because you love James and his work.


  1. I really enjoyed the fatherland podcast. Those guys didn't seem to know what to make of James at first. I also noted with amusement that Mrs. Lockhart posted Lafond promotional materials in the comments when the fatherland yahoos forgot too include in the show notes. I hope she can turn this franchise around as Lafonds apparent poverty weighs heavily upon me.

  2. I am glad you noticed my panhandling over there, I hope others did as well!
