Monday, August 27, 2018

BANNED - Crackpot Podcast 41

James and Lynn talk about banned books, especially The Logic of Steel (pdf).

The Crackpot Podcast features James LaFond, a high country forager, and Lynn Lockhart, an expert on snack food.



01:00  James' embarks on his travels, internet safety, a new website
05:40  Book suppression, The Violence Project, The Logic of Steel
07:55  Banned books: Autumn in a Dying City, The Logic of Steel, The Fighting Edge, Barbarism vs. Civilization
15:35  Why is LaFond dangerous? Luke Ford interview
20:30  James condemns political violence, favors time traveling Native Americans coming to slaughter left and right
21:35  The Logic of Steel, Mr. Kenny, statistics
34:32  What does the Norman Bates grip mean?
39:30  Don't get Boned, The Boned Zone
44:40  Castalia House
47:05  Supplicant Song, The Violence Project

(c) 2018 Lynn Lockhart


  1. Lynn, the book cover looks great. That was a bold way to go. Hope it stays up.

  2. While James appears to taking his censoring magnanimously, i still find it shocking. The content is just not that objectionable. I was happy to see that patreon is picking up! Will the patreons get access to the travel diary mentioned in the podcast?

    I strongly encourage an approach to VOX's publishing. The guy is sorta an arrogant ass, but he knows how to sell. PS- patreon should be advertised in the main site from time to time. PSS- If you need a place to stay in E tenn during your travels, hit me up- i have really nice unoccupied mountain retreat you could use. Stay cagey.

  3. SidVic, email me at lynnlockhart328 "at" gmail dot com

  4. Thanks, Sid
    I'll link the travel diary on the patreon site for patrons.
    I might hit you up--thanks.
