Saturday, December 1, 2018

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 50 has been down for a full day now.  I don't know anything about what has gone wrong or when it will be back.  I have some good stuff in draft here, so come back and visit!

James finds Netflix titles potentially worth watching.

Want to document urban blight?  James gives tactical defense advice and don't miss Banjo's notes on the actual photography.

A pair of movie reviews show how far the retconning has gotten in less than 100 years.

A murderbowl update, Baltimore is working on expanding territory, perhaps causing a temporary setback on the scoreboard.

The question on the origins of PTSD provides a starting point to explore the pressures on the modern warrior and the coping mechanisms available to him (or unavailable).

James' Harm City Journals are an anthropological gold mine, how else would you learn the meaning or even existence of this term?  Choose any title from the Harm City store, you can't go wrong.

Compare and contrast, Detroit vs. Baltimore.  Listen people, FBI crime statistics are all well and good, but you must understand, all violence is local.

Add to James' excellent review of this book the knowledge that over the last two generations, the population of the US has grown exclusively by immigration; that the prospect of a stable or slowly declining population is terrifying to governments and central bankers; contemplate the resources and labor wasted on housing that is essentially disposable, houses that would cook their inhabitants or freeze them within days of a loss of electricity; the intentional neglect of infrastructure of every kind, from the roads to the electrical grid; the refusal to manage the most basic renewable resources, such as forests and grasslands, in favor of banning grocery bags; the intentional and inadvertent poisoning of municipal water supplies; the permeation of plastics and medications into every fluid molecule on earth... suicidal just about sums it up.

You can see James' books in the BOOKSTOREbut they are rapidly falling to the censor's hammer.  Now some -banking- troubles have held up his royalty payments.  

Many fine titles are available as pdf books through his main website.

Support James in his Plantation America work by becoming a Patron, or donate straight to the man through Paypal, because you love James and his work.

(c) 2018 Lynn Lockhart

1 comment:

  1. Excellent parting words there, Lynn.
    Since this is so much more than suicide, I was wondering if there should be a word for it, or perhaps I missed that entry in the dictionary. Our readers may well have an answer.
