Monday, September 16, 2019

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 88

Your weekend links are very late, I was busy surfing and swimming and sunbathing all weekend.

I believe in blood memory but I am extremely skeptical of the "science" backing it up, as these are mostly focused on extending the effective grifts based on certain practices that ceased in 1865 and other events that occurred approximately 70 years ago in Europe.  All us Palefaces have forest dwellers and grasslanders in our bloodlines. 

James is learning how to be a Paleface Indian in the high country.

Introducing a new correspondent on combat and living out of the scope of our governmental and corporate overlords.

Ummm, 10 shots of tequila? Ay caramba!

Portland is in open rebellion to the rest of Oregon, as well as DC.  No one will do anything.

The must-watch video of 2019.

This video is good, too.  I think towards the end, the young fellow has a knife in his left hand also, does anyone else see that, around 0:36.

Corporate policies are turning to "family" structures, to lure and retain Millennial employees who don't have families of their own.

The scale of the pharmaceutical experiment being performed on the American people is staggering.

I agree, Mexicans would not put up with student-on-teacher beatings.

Beware insidious peace.

James LaFond FAQ - why don't you own a gun?

James LaFond FAQ - why don't your books have illustrations?

You guys are making me blush, but more importantly, another James LaFond FAQ - how to find suitable training wherever you live, and train with improvisational weapons.

Going to battle is not as traumatic as the waiting and uncertainty.

A didgeridoo is a noise maker, like a vuvuzela. 

Take a plunge into etymology and Plantation America psychology.'

Ahab practices Plantation economics and social structure at sea, just like the other Puritans did on land.

Both school conditions and work conditions are intentionally made to be aggressively unpleasant.

I can't believe I'm saying this but, yes, I admit, the Hodge Twins are cute, but their talking gets on my nerves pretty quick. 

When cops kill oppressed individuals, it's friendly fire, I LOVE this.  There is a very good discussion here about talking, will go into this on a podcast.

Attention!  Your precious fur baby is in DANGER

James is always on the lookout for improvised weapons testing.

Let James be your guide in getting to know Robert E. Howard.

John Paul Barber is encouraging the boss in his fitness efforts! (If you like boxing talk, rejoice, John Paul Barber will probably join us for another Crackpot Podcast in the coming months!)

I hereby invite Confederate gentlemen to invade, conquer and rule over California.  There is great real estate here and some nice people (me and mine). 

(c) 2019 Lynn Lockhart

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