Thursday, April 30, 2020

078 Asian Granny to Suleimani Crackpot Podcast

Hello friends,

The podcast you are about to listen to was taped January 9, before bat pox took hold of our lives.  Here, we discussed the 2019 Baltimore Murderbowl, West Coast vs. East Coast crime, that crazy time when we thought we might launch WWIII against Iran, Ebon vs. Asian crime pre-WuFlu, and just some old chit chat.

The Crackpot Podcast features traveling prophet James LaFond and busy lady Lynn Lockhart.

Your book suggestions for this pod are:




0:02:30  Life in Cascadia
0:06:15  Baltimore Murderbowl 2019 [I left in my coughing at 6:39 because I was recovering from being VERY sick starting NYE. I probably had the good old bat pox]
0:09:20  California crime, mixed race crew vs. Asian Grandmas
0:21:45  Berkeley laptop robbery, Oakland
0:32:05  Iranian assassination, fake attack retaliation (Above the Best)
0:44:15  Orwell and Huxley, Afghanistan
0:52:04  Moscow bus stabbing

(c) Lynn Lockhart


  1. Caught the third rail. It was excellent. James has a big fan there. To you cheap bastards that have been enjoying james output for free for years... buy a book and/or subscribe to his patreon. It may be the only opportunity in your brutish lifes to support the arts.
    Sid V.
