Friday, April 10, 2020

Lockhart's Top LaFonds Volume 113

Hello, due to Wutang Flu related developments, you will get this link summary every two weeks for the foreseeable future.

Ponder the filaments.

Some previews of our upcoming Corona Chronicles book:
The Thing
Stock levels

Preview of upcoming fiction, our hero Juan Stabone!  He is traipsing his way into the biggest crisis of our lifetimes.  He lived long enough to become the bad guy.

Hounds of Aryas is coming into shape with the addition of a collaborator!

The feminine is part of our ancient heritage, that includes the type of savage babe that James likes to interview.  It's not simping to appreciate women's contributions and values.

Step into the dialog of wonderful minds.

The philosophy of the raider.

Just had a pair of dogs attack my daughters and me on a walk and I'm blackpilled on canines again.

Do you ever practice rubbing your tummy and patting your head at the same time?

Would be interesting to hear first hand stories of the criminal colonization of Baltimore County.

I'm afraid I don't like the picture of Philip K. Dick that emerges from his correspondence.

The definition of slavery is much wider than most understand.

Support savage writers like Viking Age Barbarian.

Does the seeking require a physical journey, a removal?  The oriental tradition is to look within, but I don't think this is enough for the Aryan spirit.

Is there a roofie epidemic in Portland?  ER docs report that people who think they have been drugged are invariably just near-fatally drunk.

Moby Dick and the birth of whiteness.

I've lost patience with Philip K. Dick, but I think he's right about this.

I'm intrigued by this female character.  Maybe someday I'll read this book.

Beowulf and the descent of kings.

A glimpse of the Amazons of legend.

Saying goodbye to Riley.

A big part of the self-defense issue is simply paying attention. You don't need a constitutional right to do that.

I love these stories of savage patrimony.

English nursery rhymes and fairy tales are little time capsules of history.

The story of globalization is the story of raw materials, principally human labor.

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