Saturday, July 15, 2017

Ghosts of the Sunset World by James LaFond

The Sunset Saga Book 1: Of The Sunset World, Part Two

Three-Rivers had never had a false vision. Therefore, having bound the Flesh Demon of Sunset to his will in his quest to seek Burnt Man, he was now stricken with guilt. For he dreamed, every night and with increasing clarity, that the Greater Demon of Sunset would slay his lesser demon on the banks of a Summer River. Three-Rivers had sworn to WhiteSkyCanoe and Hope that he would make this possible by speaking with the many tribes of Summer, and convincing them that this insane white man had been sent into Mother Earth from The Sunset World, to save Lady Doe-Eye and her White Bead Nation from the Greater Demon of Sunset and the savage Turtle Men who floated across the Big Salt Water in their winged canoe houses. How could a prophet trapped in the body of a broken boy accomplish this? Like a fur trader he counted his wampum, so to speak, reminding himself that he was not alone: He had a totemic bond with a remarkable wolf, the companionship of Arrow-Holder of the much sucked thumb, and, for all of his woes, Three-Rivers was the only visionary of the Natural People to hold a demon under a spell as a virtual pet: DeathSong, The Begginer’s own broken arrow.

Available in paperback.

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